Chapter Sixteen

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You sat in your family living room, watching your Dad pace around as he tried to articulate whatever he was thinking. Taeyeon sat next to you, aggressively writing down notes to herself and texting people. She would normally have the winter break off, but with the coronation she had agreed to be paid overtime in exchange for helping out.

"Are you either of you going to tell me why you called me here? I kind of have stuff to do today," you finally interjected.

You were finally going to get a dress- the day before the coronation- when your Dad called you in a panic to go over to the house as soon as possible. You borrowed Mark's car, and within thirty minutes you were in your living room, waiting for someone to talk to you.

"There's a tradition sweetie that, to be honest, I think most people expected to not happen for several reasons," your dad rambled, adjusting his tie now to stop himself from pacing.


"Spit it out, Lee," Taeyeon muttered, looking up for a moment from her clipboard.

Sighing, your father cleared his throat. "Yuta's Mother is on her way here to deliver what you'll be wearing to the coronation."

"Huh?" you shouted, stepping up from the couch and hoping that your father was just kidding.

"Traditionally, the mother or father of the soon to be ruler would personally deliver the garments the person betrothed to their child would wear," Taeyeon helped clarify, glaring at your father for his horrible delivery. "I don't think anyone expected this for... several reasons."

"Yeah like the fact that my kid is not engaged, she's not a mythic, and his mother is a nightmare," your Dad cut in, running his fingers through his hair.

"Oh god I can't see her again," you panicked, feeling your blood instinctually start to boil at the thought of his mother. The anger you felt with her last time triggered your powers- you feared what having to see her again in such close quarters would do.

"You're going to be fine, but gosh could you cover that bandaid on your neck? It looks abysmal," Taeyeon went to get a better look at the bandaid on your neck that covered Yuta's bite mark and you instinctively moved away from her.

"How did you even get hurt on your neck? Was it Sicheng? I told Yuta that was a stupid idea," your Dad blathered.

"No, it wasn't Sicheng, it was just an accident. Can we please focus on the matter at hand?" you plead, hoping they wouldn't notice the embarrassed blush creeping onto your cheeks.

"If you refuse to see her and refuse to accept her dress, it will not be good," Taeyeon noted, frowning. "As horrific as she is, at the end of the day, this is a way to help bring humans and mythics together... a small, tiny way. Plus, the council will know and make Yuta's job difficult if you don't wear it."

"She isn't obligated to do anything," your father huffed, tugging at his tie. Rubbing your temples, you sighed. You were placed in a position that Yuta's mother had to love- damned if you did, and damned if you don't.

"How long until she gets here?" you asked, standing up to start going through the clothes in your old closet. Taeyeon glanced down at her phone.

"Twenty minutes."

"Can you make me look not horrible by then?" you forced a begging tone.

Taeyeon was always helpful, and this moment was no exception. She dug through the clothes you had left behind in your family home, and muttered to herself her thoughts as she did so.

"You know, I read your father's mind yesterday," she suddenly spoke up. You had been digging around your jewelry box and were a bit caught off guard by this announcement.

Under the Blue Flames {Nakamoto Yuta}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora