Chapter Two

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"Dude, you got an A."

"An A minus."

"God, I wish I had your brain," Mark scoffed as you followed the long path from the main dorm courtyard to the outskirts of campus where the night dorm sat.

"I can't help that I have both the brains and the looks of the family," you punched his arm as you moved down from the path. "Are you going tonight by the way?"

"Kun called me and told me I had no choice. So, yeah." Jungwoo and Kun had found a bar a bit out of town a few nights ago, swearing that it was some of the best food that they've had in a while and closed late at night. Late enough that despite Mark's parole that night that you'd all be able to make it well within closing time.

Mark checked the time on his watch. "Okay, you take right, I'll take left and we'll meet in the middle. I'm hoping to get to bed by eight today- y'know, a decent hour."

"Yeah bro, because eight in the morning is the time most normal people get to bed," you sighed, parting ways with Mark and heading down the right path around the perimeter of the night dorm. Every other early morning, you two had to check out the outskirts of the night students dorm- make sure there was nothing suspicious in the area as well as no one having attempted to enter that didn't belong.

Your conversation from earlier with Ten was still playing in your head. The mythics in class did their best to never pay you any mind. The thought of them having- at least in their mind- any additional reason to not like you sent a chill down your spine.

The night dorm's fencing stood stoically to your left hand side, the dark bricks contrasting with the fall stained trees perched on your right, bo staff collapsed in hand. You were lost in thought for a bit, mindlessly checking the forest and walking, that it took you a second longer than you would have liked to, to see the form perched on top of the fencing.

"Hey, it's you," he smiled, slinging himself off the edge of the ledge and landing in front of you in the path. You tucked the bo staff back into your back pocket.

"Ah, you forgot my name already," you fake pouted, and he laughed. His laugh was infectious- his face lighting up entirely.

"I did not! How has the perimeter check been going?" he started following in step next to you, the narrow path leading to you two brushing elbows as you walked. You tucked yourself a bit closer to the wall, trying to stop yourself from rubbing off on him, Ten's frantic speech dancing in your head.

"It's been fine, a little dull. Which, I guess, is a good thing. How has the night dorm been? Have the day sleepers gone to bed yet?"

"Yeah, thankfully. Everyone was a bit on edge yesterday," he scratched the back of his neck.

You were quiet for a moment before speaking. "What do you mean by on edge?"

"Eh, you shove a bunch of privileged young mythics into a single college dorm, you sort of end up with a lot of petty drama," he chuckled.

"That must get annoying."

"Aren't you and Mark like, in charge of an entire hallway of humans in the dorm? Isn't it like the same thing?"

"Yeah, well Mark has to deal with the athletes. I on the other hand have honors college freshman so I have it very easy."

"Sheesh, how did Mark get screwed?"

"We settle most disputes by sparring," you said casually, watching as Yuta raised an eyebrow. "Is that not a normal thing?"

"I'm a vampire, you're asking me if something's normal?"

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