Chapter Fifteen

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The second person you told about your license was Mark. Instead of calling him, you decided to instead meet him in the student parking lot and have him see it in person

"Wow! Having a license was the one thing I had over you," he joked. You punched his arm playfully, having parked Johnny's car in his spot and walking through campus with your brother. It had been a while since you could just casually walk through campus, and it was great.

"Do you remember when we would come here when we were younger?" Mark seemed to be thinking what you were, looking at the forest lined path that led towards the main building. You nodded.

"I remembered thinking everyone looked so old," you hummed.

"Now look at us," he chuckled, rubbing his forehead. You squinted, looking at the unmoving crease between Mark's eyebrows.

"What's on your mind?" you asked, tucking your hands into your coat pockets.

"How do you know something's up?" Mark raised an eyebrow, stifling a nervous chuckle.

"You have that... thing," you pointed to the space between your own eyebrows, hoping he would understand. He sighed, massaging that part of his face hoping to relieve the area. He tucked his own hands in his coat pockets, sighing in defeat.

"I think it's weird you're Satan's kid," he spoke quickly, the crease returning.

"No, that's not what's on your mind," you simpered.

"I really thought that would work," he muttered, looking down before stopping in his tracks. "I applied to Columbia's creative writing program."

"I know, you applied when we were seniors and decided to come to Knight's Cross instead."

"Yes, but I reapplied for a transfer and... I got in," he whispered, raising his shoulders. You paused, surprised before you wrapped your arms around him, overwhelmed with joy and pride.

"That's so amazing!" you cheered, letting go and jumping slightly. The frown didn't leave his face though. "Why aren't you more excited? That's the best university for writing!"

"I... I have something else to tell you." Raising an eyebrow at this, you nodded, hoping your brother would let whatever it was spill out of him. "I told Dad already. But I wanted you to hear it from me-," he raised his hands and gripped your shoulders now, "- I don't want Knight's Cross College. It's yours. It was always meant to be yours."

This made the color immediately drain from your face and eyes widen.

"Absolutely not," you almost shouted, walking quickly away from Mark who caught up with you and matched your pace.

"You're the better fighter, you get along with mythics and humans- hell, you are mythic and human," he started counting his reasoning off his fingers as if he had been rehearsing this.

"Everyone that matters in the council- who I would work with, hates me," you countered, your mind immediately flashing to Yuta's mother. Taking your hands out of your pocket, your left hands fingers had caught on fire, and you quickly shook it to put it out as you calmed yourself down.

"They'd hate anyone," Mark pointed out. You both stopped now, glaring at each other. You had never given any thought to potentially becoming president of the university after your father steps down. It was always meant to be for Mark, at least that's what you had always thought. It's how you felt. It's what you believed.

"I'm not even his biological kid. I'm the child of one of the worst beings in existence," you sputtered out, looking down now at your feet as you struggled to control your emotions.'

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