Chapter Nine

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You elevated your leg onto your toilet, your hands doing their best to bring the bandage wrap around your upper thigh. You had cleaned it up already and wanted it wrapped as soon as possible to get rid of the stinging feeling that kept raging from Yuta's fang marks. The bleeding had stopped a bit ago after smearing across Yuta's face, your thighs, and staining your bed sheets. The sheets were going to be difficult to clean in the communal laundry room. Yet, as you glanced out of your bathroom to see Yuta's sprawled nude figure on your bed, your heart raced again and eliminated any bit of irritation you felt.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he called for the fourth time, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. You turned your attention back to your bandages, hoping to hide the blush that would not leave your cheeks.

"Yuta, I promise you I'm okay." You bit down on the bandage wrap, tearing it from the roll with your teeth and finally securing the wrap in place. Of course he was concerned. You loved that he cared about you, but you also didn't want him to have to constantly be fretting over you. You were a human, yes, but you wanted him in every capacity. You glanced back at him, overwhelmed by the fact that he was here. A being as perfect as him was laying on your bed and watching you closely as if you were the most important person in the world to him- and for the few hours before, he certainly made you feel as if you were the only person in the world.

"Good, I hope that heals quickly," he felt guilty. You moved forward towards him, actively trying to not put too much weight on your left thigh so as to not strain it.

"I'm a big girl, I'll be okay."

"Okay, fine," he sighed in defeat. The sunrise began poking through your curtain, signaling Yuta's soon departure for the day.

"Are you still checking classrooms with me today?" you asked as he sat up, moving to get off the bed.

"Any extra time I can spend with you, I will gladly take," he kissed your forehead. You blinked, and he was dressed again in front of you now. "Can I do something?"

"What?" you raised your eyebrow at him.

"Can I call you my girlfriend?" you mulled over his question. You remembered Doyoung's threats, Ten's fear, and Mark's warnings. You also remembered the moments you've spent with Yuta, how you've loved every second with him and the intimacy you two have shared.

"Only if I can call you my boyfriend," you poked, letting your inhibitions go.

He dropped a small kiss on your lips before replying again, "nothing would make me happier."

Yuta left from the window, leaving you for the first time in days alone in your studio. You spent the time cleaning up your space, changing out your sheets, and catching up on some assignments all while your brain swam in glee over the vampire who you could finally call yours. Going to bed at around seven in the morning, you finally had a dreamless, blissful sleep.

You had a full schedule today. You woke up earlier than you usually would in hopes of meeting Jungwoo and Mark in the library to get some work in before class. You were lacing up your boots when your phone started ringing from across the room, forcing you to unevenly hobble to your nightstand to grab it.

"Hey Dad!" you turned your phone's speaker on, hobbling back to where your other boot was so you could finish getting dressed.

"Hi Y/N," his voice sounded blank, none of his normal excitement or any of the names he normally calls you when he speaks with you.

"Everything okay? You sound like someone pooped in your cereal." Maybe if you joke, it would make his tone less serious. All he did was force a chuckle that sounded as if it was coming from his very dry throat.

Under the Blue Flames {Nakamoto Yuta}Where stories live. Discover now