Chapter Eleven

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Yuta had stayed the night with you, reading you to sleep with a few chapters of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Waking up, you reached your arm out to him, but your fingers were met with a sheet of paper instead. Miserably, you rubbed your eyes. You had hoped Yuta would have stayed the night, but you reminded yourself of the fact that Yuta doesn't even sleep- him being with you for any period of time while you did was heartwarming. You brought the note to eye level to read it.

You slept so peacefully. Did you remember any dreams from your rest? I don't even remember what those are like anymore. I want to know everything. I had to go back to the dorms at around noon to take care of some things, but I longed to stay with you as you slept from the beginning to the end. I can not wait for our date. X Yuta

That's right, your date. You scrunched up your face, frustrating yourself. When Yuta had planned the stargazing, it was perfect in every aspect- down to him bringing you his favorite mythic book from his childhood. You had to plan something, but to even think of anything worthy enough for him was giving you a headache. You grabbed your phone from your bedside table.


"Well, hello to you too, Ten."

"You're calling me while I'm playing Smash!" There were a few groans of annoyance in the background as Ten seemed to have paused the game with whoever he was playing with.

"Sorry, I just need some advice. I want to take Yuta on a date but I have no idea what to do. Like, what's good enough for a freakin vampire prince!?" you whined.

"You are so lucky I am not on speaker now," Ten hissed. You were taken aback- you had assumed he was at the dorm playing with Johnny.

"Oh my god are you with Jisung?" you sat up from your bed now, rubbing your forehead.

"Yes okay fine I am hanging out with the freshman."

"Hey!" it was Jisung's voice in the back now, offended by the venom in Ten's emphasis on the word freshman.

"I don't have time for this, what should I do?" you begged. Ten hounding your resident's wasn't a concern of yours, at least not for the time being.

"Well, what do both of you like? What's something that connects the two of you? I know you have to like things about him besides his face. Just think about all the little details he's said to you. Okay, I'm gonna go- I was about to beat Jisung's ass before you called," there was another groan on the line which you assumed was Jisung before Ten ended the call, leaving you alone to your thoughts.

Your mind had grazed over your conversations and moments with Yuta, yet it always kept stopping itself on one thing: your shared love of literature. Picking up your phone again, you found the number you only just recently saved.

"Hey y/n."

"Hey Johnny! I know I said I wouldn't use it again, but..."


You cautiously pulled into the parking lot you so often used to go to when you were in high school, only instead of being a passenger in Kun's car you were the one driving with a blindfolded Yuta excitedly sitting in the seat next to you. You unbuckled your seatbelt and leaned over, pulling off the blindfold from Yuta's eyes. His eyes adjusted, leaning forward to read the signage in front of the store.

"Bookstore 451," he read aloud, scrunching up his forehead. "They own 451 bookstores?"

You giggled a bit, "it's a reference to a book called Fahrenheit 451." You turned your head back towards the front of the store. There were a few tables in the front, some taken up by patrons who had books on one hand and a coffee in the other, reminding you of when the four of you used to sit in a corner of the store for hours reading different comics or novels. "I used to come here all the time in high school with some friends. I haven't been here in forever. I think you'd really love it," you smiled at him.

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