Chapter Ten

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You wanted to talk to Yuta. Jaemin hadn't been much help and didn't answer your question. After getting fed up, you left him in the library and headed back to the spot Yuta had taken you stargazing. During the day, the sun shone perfectly in the field. There were a few students tossing a frisbee, and towards the edge were a few benches that were open or had other students doing work. You had to get your mind off of the nightmare today had been, and needed to get a better grasp before speaking with the vampire.

You waved goodbye to Jungwoo after your biology class, and moved quickly to meet Yuta at your usual spot before checking classrooms. Fridays were typically not difficult- most students wanted to flee the campus for the weekend, which made your next plan of action feel less dangerous.

"Hey, we need to talk," you spoke quickly, brushing past him and opening the closest classroom. He raised an eyebrow, confused.

"Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" he reached his hands out, shame building on his face as he glanced down at your thigh again.

"Yes, I promise I'm fine. For the record... that... was great," you widen your eyes to emphasize what you said. "But, this isn't about that."

He was confused again, leaning on one of the chairs now as he stared at you with a puzzled look.

"I got a visit today," you lowered your voice, hoping none of the elves would be able to hear your conversation. He moved forward, taking you by surprise as he held your shoulders and pressed his nose to your neck, as if taking in your scent. His hands clenched after a moment before he moved back.

"My Mom visited you?" he sounded afraid, as if he was hoping his keen sense of smell was wrong. You nodded, and he brushed his fingers through his hair, frustrated.

"Well, really she paid my father a visit. She showed up at his office, forced him to call me in, and then made him stand outside as she so gently told me that the council does not approve of the prince dating a human," your voice was still low, but it was difficult to conceal the irritation you felt. Afraid of blowing up into flames again, you tried to keep your breathing even.

"She did what?" Unlike your hushed voice, Yuta had nearly shouted this, his voice echoing throughout the classroom as his eyes turned into a blood red you had mostly only seen on Ten. You hadn't seen Yuta angry before- sad, yes, but anger was not an emotion he chose to express. Seeing him now, with his fists curled and eyes as red as blood, shocked you so much that your hand flinched.

"How does she even know about me?" you knew the answer, but wanted to see if he did too. His jaw clenched and he looked outside towards the door.

"Fucking Doyoung. Whatever, ignore her. The council and their opinion doesn't matter."

"They're the council, I think their opinion is one of the ones that does."

"I'm the goddamn prince and I am choosing to be with you."

Then, his lips were on yours, surprising you by the urgency you felt as he did so. Normally when you kissed, Yuta was incredibly soft and gentle- constantly afraid of hurting you. Yet, as you kissed now, it was as if you were being taken away and he was fighting to keep you here. He pulled back just as quickly as he had first kissed you, wrapping you in his embrace.

"I'm so sorry that she did that to you and your father. Did she say anything else?" you bit your lip at his question, thankful to be burying your head in his chest so he couldn't see you.

"No," you fibbed, your brain still ringing with her biting words. You were just easy prey for him to enjoy for a night. It wasn't true and you knew it. Yuta's anger was affirmation of that. Yet, they still hurt to hear. Being called a slut was one thing, but being called prey... you were not a weak little doe waiting to be picked off by a lion.

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