Chapter Nineteen: Tobias

Start from the beginning

Tobias was always told by Nathalia that he lived with his head in the stars, obsessed with things like astronomy and astrology; but now it seemed like the stars were guiding him to a deeper truth. He just felt so impossibly torn with one foot in each of these worlds, and never having time to worry about the actual present. However, with these desperate visions constantly plaguing his mind, he wondered what would happen if he managed to bring the two together like missing puzzle pieces.

Did that mean the bloody moon dream was no longer important? Tobias didn't think so. In fact, his need to find a way to connect the dots seemed to hang over his head like such a virus, that it convinced him it was a strange link into figuring out what his other dreams meant.

If only he could observe and remember any of this in the real world, as much as he could in his dream realm. However, Tobias felt that would all soon come to a head, that even in his waking state everything would soon become clearer.


Tobias nervously sat in his room with his feet bouncing against the floor, preoccupying his mind with video games and a bowl of popcorn so he didn't have to think. He didn't have to think about the fact that his best friends were fighting, or that Pickles had tried to kill himself and his health still wasn't any better. He was tired of thinking and seemingly being the only thinker of this place anymore. He had no idea what even Abigail was thinking, to assume a party was such a good idea at a time like this.

The families had no right to just walk in and demand to be entertained. It had been a privilege, allowing them inside, a privilege that should have never been granted, especially not in this time-frame.

No, there had to be a reason for this. There had to be some secret motive for Abigail to allow this stupid party to happen and to also be absent for most of it. Maybe it was meant as a distraction gone wrong? Or did it go perfectly correct for her..?

Tobias mentally shook his head. He should never be suspicious of someone like Abigail. She was a protector to all of them, and she cared deeply for her band. No, even if she set something like that up for a reason, it couldn't have been with any malicious intent. He sighed. He said he wanted to stop thinking and he was going to, damnit.

A knock on his door jerked him out of his thoughts and he managed out a small, "Yeah?" The door opened quietly and surprise surprise, the woman herself walked in with a gentle smile, though it didn't necessarily reach her eyes. In fact, she seemed a bit nervous to be there, which caused Tobias to tense since normally she had a calm, cool exterior. Maybe all the stress was finally getting to her...

"What's up?" Tobias asked, pausing the game and turning to her fully so he could silently study her features. She looked a little tired but not necessarily upset or anything, just... really, really nervous. Tobias raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on his findings.

Abigail cupped her hands in front of her and stared at Tobias, unsure of exactly how to start the conversation, before finally clearing her throat and saying, "In all my years, I've never had to make this kind of announcement... So I apologize if I don't word this right."

Tobias tilted his head in confusion. "Go on?"

Abigail paused to rummage through her brain for a moment longer, then settled on: "Tobias, you believed all your life that you were an only child, correct?"

Tobias's heart leaped into his throat at this and he nodded slowly, eyes wide. Why bring that up, unless..?

Abigail's face softened and she allowed herself to smile more kindly. "Well it would seem that you are not the only child of your birth mother and father. In fact, you have- sorry, had- many siblings at one point, before they were taken away, just like you."

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