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The slumber party was lovely. I've missed all of them so much. However, something is just really... off about Dom. He seems really nervous and on edge. Is it because I'm here? I really hope it isn't. As of right now, it's the morning after the slumber party and Dom and I are sitting in the living room in total silence. Everything is so tense, all of the sudden. It's really worrying me. Did I do something last night? I really hope I didn't. If I did, I'll never forgive myself. If they hate me, I'm done for. I'm done for, and I'm getting sent back to my parents, and they're gonna absolutely destroy me more than they already have. Oh god, what if the crew already hates me? What if everything is tense because they want me gone already? Was all of this really just for media and public image? Of course it is. No one could ever actually care about me. That's impossible. They're gonna send me away again. They're gonna send me away back to my parents and I'm gonna be completely left in the dust.

I don't even realize what's happening before I feel my body being picked up and rushed into another room. I feel myself get put down onto what I'm assuming is my bed before two hands try to carefully pull my tucked-in head out from its position between my knees and my chest. I try my best not to budge, but in the end, I don't have the strength to fight getting my head pulled up. I keep my eyes clenched shut. If I open them, I'm sure I'm gonna be met with the face of one of my parents. I'm sure of it. I realize I can't hear anything. There's just ringing. Whoever's hands are on my face starts using said hands to lightly tap my face, likely trying to snap me out of whatever state my body is in. It works a bit; I start to hear a blurred, faded voice through the ringing. As seconds tick past, everything starts to sound a bit clearer and the ringing begins to fade.

".../N...Y/N, Y/N! Hey! Look at me, it's okay, you're alright, hey," It's Dom; his hands are shaking.

I stare at him for a couple seconds before breaking back down into tears I didn't realize had fallen previously. He has to hate me. He probably hates how I'm always panicking like this. I push away from him carefully; I don't want him to have to deal with me any longer. I can handle this on my own, it's fine. Suddenly, the rockstar pulls me back over to him gently, hugging me and rocking me back and forth.

"Come on, love, it's alright, breathe, please. Can you try and open your eyes back up for me?" Dom requests quietly, voice now shaking along with his hands.

I do as he says, scared of what refusing may result in. My eyes are wide and teary; I'm trying to look anywhere but at Dom.

"Thank you, N/N, you're doing amazing. Could you try to tell me five things you can see? You can take your time, it's alright," Dom slowly continues to guide me back down to a normal state of being; it's reminding me a lot of the one time I freaked out on him like this back at the venue from right after Gavin was a total dick and blocked me and shit.

The longer Dom directs me down to Earth, the worse I feel. Sure I'm calming down physically, but mentally and emotionally I feel horrible. I can't contain the next words that leave my mouth any longer.

"I'm sorry," I mumble; Dom shouldn't have to deal with me.

"Woah, woah, woah, no, hey, none of that, okay? You have nothing to be sorry for. Just, please try and tell me what happened, please. I wanna help in any way possible," Dom immediately responds to me, voice still shaking.

"No, you'll be upset. I shouldn't be upsetting you all so much or at all,"

"Y/N, I won't be mad,"

"I know. You'll be upset, though,"

"I don't care, I want to know what caused what just happened so I can help prevent it from happening again, hopefully. Y/N, please,"

"... I noticed you got really tense around me. You probably want me gone, I'm assu–"

I'm cut off by Dom tightly wrapping his arms around me, rocking me back and forth once more.

"No. No. Absolutely not. I love you. The whole crew loves you. We all want you here. I want you here. You're not leaving again. I'm not letting that happen to you again, I could never. Never ever," Dom's tone is firm, but still quiet; he's shaking even more now.

"Then what's with the tension? I'm really sorry if I did something wrong, I-"

"You did absolutely nothing wrong. I'm just... scared, is all," Dom cuts me off again.

"What about...?" I respond, confused as to why he's scared.

"Well, uh, there's something I need to tell you,"


"...We go on a world tour in about two weeks," He says.


"Then we go on to another tour in the US and in Canada a bit a little over a week after that world tour ends,"


Fuck. God, they've gotta be upset. They just got here, and this is such a sudden thing, and they've never traveled so much and so far before, they're gonna be so overwhelmed! What if they wanna leave? Oh god, I can't handle losing my kid again. I can't- huh?

Y/N is hugging me tightly, slightly twisting side to side and squealing. Wait, are they excited about this?

"You're not upset?" I ask, thoroughly confused.

"WHAT? WHY WOULD I BE?!" Y/N looks up at me, beaming.

"Well, you just got back here and now you're gonna be dragged out again," I respond.

"This is different! I'm leaving, but it's with my favorite people to places I actually want to go to!!" They gush excitedly.

This is going a lot better than I expected it to go, thank god. I thought they were gonna be upset that they already have to leave home again. I sigh in relief, pulling them to me just as they're about to get up. I sniffle a little, my eyes getting a bit teary. Fuck, why is this affecting me so much?

"Dom? You okay?" Y/N asks me, seeming to have noticed my sniffles.

"I was so scared you were gonna be upset about having to leave again. So fucking scared. I can't handle losing my kid again, I was so scared," I reply quietly before my sniffles turn to light sobs.

Y/N hugs me tighter; I can feel them still smiling brightly against me. They start the rocking-back-and-forth-hug this time, squeezing me even tighter, somehow.

"Dom, no! This is so cool! I can't wait! Where's the first gig kick off the tour?" They ask, already just as hyped as the rest of the crew, thank fuck.


"SICK!! Can I see the setlist, ooh, and the concert outfits you're gonna wear? And Adam's outfits?" They start slinging questions at me elatedly.

This tour is either gonna be the best or the worst; I can't tell which one yet.


word count: 1233

ouuuuuuu tourrrrrrr !!! how will this gooooooo ...

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- r <33

DANCING AT MY FUNERAL - An Adopted by Yungblud Story (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now