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enjoy. <3


Two hours pass by quite quickly; we're home in no time. Y/N stays asleep for the entire ride, thank god. They need this rest, they really do. Upon arriving home, I carry a still unconscious Y/N out of the car. Before I can make it inside, Tom taps my shoulder.

"I've got their stuff. Bring them upstairs to their room and let them rest," He says, smiling at me and keeping his tone quiet so as to not disturb the sleeping kid in my arms.

I nod, doing just that. Once I reach Y/N's room, I decide it's probably best to change them out of the clothes they're in right now and get them into something more comfortable. I carefully remove every outer layer they have on and was planning on just putting on a new outfit rather than changing everything, but the sight I see makes me immediately change my mind and realize there is much more I need to do before I can change them into something comfortable.

Their entire body is beaten and bruised beyond belief and the bandages that they applied god knows how long ago are almost all stained by at least a bit of blood. Open, scabbed over, and scarred, small cuts and gashes completely cover their battered body. Upon removing the blood stained bandages, I find gashes, open wounds, huge lacerations, small puncture wounds, and more. I start tearing up; how could anyone do something this cruel to another person, let alone their own kid? God, Y/N, you poor thing. I'm so sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner.

I clean and re-patch everything up before changing them completely; literally all of the clothes they had on had blood on them. I want them to be as comfortable as physically possible when they wake up. However, I only put an undershirt on them when it comes to top attire. I carry them to their bathroom, using their dimmer switch to keep the lights low so they stay asleep. Their face, neck, and hair are still a mess; I'm just gonna quickly wash their hair and stuff.

I lean them against the wall of the bath on top of a folded, soft towel, carefully holding their head up. I lean up and detach the shower head from the wall, making the water pleasantly warm before carefully rinsing their hair. I wash their hair gently, conditioning it afterwards. Once their face, neck, and hair are clean and their hair is wrapped up in a towel and drying, I take them back to their bed, tucking them in. They've somehow stayed asleep this entire time, which I'm honestly happy about. They need all the rest they can get right now.

Upon making my way downstairs, Adam immediately calls me over to where he's sitting in the living room.

"You think Y/N will wake up at any point tonight?" He asks out of the blue.

"Probably, in a bit, why?" I reply, confused.

"Order F/D. Surprise them. Then, we can get that slumber party started,"

I smile. It makes me so happy that they all care just as much about Y/N as I do. When I first took them in, I was a bit nervous about the crew's reaction. Now. we're this nice little family. I love it. After about an hour, I do just as Adam suggests and order their favorite dinner, knowing it's gonna take between half an hour to an hour to get here; Y/N should be awake by then, I'm sure of it. They've been asleep for nearly six or seven hours now. If they're still asleep when it arrives, that's more than okay, but I know they typically can't sleep for more than around eight hours at a time; their body just wakes up after that.

On cue, Y/N trudges down the stairs, rubbing their eyes. They clearly quite literally have just woken up. Adam reacts quicker than I can. He rushes over, scooping them up in a way very similar to when I scooped them up back in the courtroom. He's in tears within a minute.

"Y/N, oh my god, I missed you so much, holy fuck, you're back, you're here!" Adam rambles quietly at a pace nearly too quick to understand.

Y/N smiles sleepily, wrapping their arms around his neck and their legs around his waist, koala-holding to him. Adam makes his way back over to the couch, still refusing to let Y/N go. After a few minutes of peaceful, relief-filled silence, Y/N speaks.

"Are we still having that slumber party?" They inquire, looking over to me quizzically.

"Yes, we are. Also, F/D is on the way. It was Adam's idea, so thank him," I respond, smiling at them.

They immediately turn back to Adam, now wide awake and beaming at him. They squeeze him tightly, thanking him as they do so before pushing away from him a bit. In response to their attempt at escape, Adam's grip visibly tightens.

"What d'ya' want?" I ask, seeing that Adam still isn't ready to let go of them.

"Monster," Y/N responds with zero hesitance.


"You choose,"

I get off of the couch and make my way into the kitchen, opening the fridge to see what flavors we have. Yesterday, Joj and I went out grocery shopping and got a ton of Y/N's favorite snacks, knowing they would most likely be turned back over to us. We bought their top five favorite flavors, apparently: Ultra Watermelon, Ultra Red, Ultra Gold, Monarch, and Ultra Sunrise. I grab a watermelon one for the kid, knowing it's their absolute favorite. I hand it to them from the other side of the couch, watching as they grin in delight as I sit back down next to them and Adam.

"Thank you! Also, thank you for patching me up and stuff. I'm in a lot less pain now," They say to me, sipping their Monster afterwards.

"Of course, love. I wasn't gonna just let you be uncomfortable and in pain for longer than necessary. However, we do still need to go to the doctor for that ankle," I respond, which elicits a groan of annoyance from them.

"Do we really have to? I've healed from worse before without doctors and you know it," They protest.

"...Y/N, your ankle is completely out of its socket," Adam chimes in.

"I can put it back and then wrap it in place! It'll be fine," They continue their protest, leaning forwards to do as they just said.

Before Adam or myself can stop them, they've popped it back into the socket, which results in a small yelp of pain from Y/N. They grit their teeth and clench their eyes shut, taking deep breaths through said gritted teeth to try and stay calm through the initial searing pain.

"I'll to get a bandage and your old ankle brace," I say calmly to Y/N, leaving Adam (and now Tom, Ben, and Jesse, who all just came into the room upon hearing Y/N) to make sure they keep that ankle as still as possible until it can be wrapped.

They have got to learn to stop hurting themself more like that. I think they're still scared that going to a doctor's office will get them sent back to their parents, which is reasonable. Most times they've been at the hospital and such have led to them having to go back to their parents. I can't imagine how scared they must still be right now. God, I'm scared for their reaction to the news I have to share with them soon.


word count: 1287

oooohhhhh here we go. now the plot is getting to where i want it to be. i hope yall are prepared xoxo

love u all <3

please vote and comment if you enjoyed !

- r <33

DANCING AT MY FUNERAL - An Adopted by Yungblud Story (Book Two)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt