phil:* *lil bit bow while gave them 'sweet' smile* i just wanna say to u guys...mahal ko kayong lahat.. (translation: love you all)

indo: *fake smile* makasih... (translation: tq)

fans: *literally screaming heart attack* aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh philip and indo is smilingggggggggggggggg

mal: we have to go,byeeeeeeee:3

fans: bye2 mallieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!(❁'◡'❁)






skip in car:v






phil: *sigh* finally...Ang hirap talagang tratuhin.. (translation: It's really hard to treat them..)

indo: sungguh lelah melayani mereka.. mulut gw sakit karena tersenyum di konser tadi.. (translation: really tired of serving mouth hurts from smiling in the concert earlier..)

mal: *giggles* abang baru je 'senyum' 2 kali dalam kosert tadi..dah sakit? (translation: u 'smiled' 2 times in the concert earlier..already sick?)

indo: senyum adalah siksaan paling kejam dalam hidup gw.. (translation: smile is the most cruel torture of my life..)

phil: Nakakapagod talaga ngayong araw.. (translation: Today is really tiring..)

mal: yeah.. 'ting' huh? *notification from ???* uhhhhhhh- not todayy












aussie: *breathing heavily* heh.. *smirk* congrats,u almost beat me..

kiwi: i think u forgot what i told u...don't be so pathetic..

aussie: *smiling* don't worry,even though u kill me..u still my lil bro..

kiwi: ...little brother...?

aussie: yes,you're my little brother..wait- did u forget it?

kiwi: ...

aussie: are u-

kiwi: forget it, *vanished out of blue*

aussie: ....he ran away..







New Zealand POV

 It's been 3 months..time passes quickly but I still can't find what can make me not bored..every day do the same thing..nothing interesting..everything is bored..I do whatever they say it's hard like it's easy..even babies can do it ..

I was in the old man's office..this place is old..I don't know why I'm here but I can feel there are a lot of secrets in this office..I looked around..out of nowhere I heard cries from the end of the weapons storage room..I entered and saw a girl a little one the same age as me..I approached her and she stopped crying and looked at me with eyes full of pain..

Behind A Sweet SmileWhere stories live. Discover now