Chapter 1

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(this chapter when maphilindo still a child:v)








indo: philip!!!!mal!!!faster!!

mal: indo- *fell to the ground*

phil: mal!!!

mal: go!!!i can take care of myself!!

indo: b-but-

???: oi!!!!don't run away!!!

mal: run as far as u can!!phil!!indo- *get hit by the enemy* 



???: did ya get the kid?

???: only one...this boy is really cunning and very troublesome..

mal: let me go!!!!

???: *slap him* shut the f*ck up!!!

???: send him to that 'home'...






???: stay here!!don't you dare try to run away or u will regret it!! *slam the door*



Malaysia POV

I was sent to a mansion...I just lay in bed and was able to shed tears..thinking about what would happen to family was killed by them..why? I'm worried if indo and phil can't escape and then accept the same fate as me..what is their motive? why did they do all this? what is wrong with us?i snapped  when i heard a slam door..i look back..another kid that older 2 years than me...i just stare at him..

mal: are here...?

???: *back off* i-i-

mal: *sad smile* i see...we're same..

???: h-huh..?

mal: i also new here too...did ya get catch?

???: *look away then slowly nodded*

mal: come...sit with me...u can trust me..

???: wh-what??

mal: trust not ur enemy dude:)

???: *slowly walk to him then just sit*

mal: great!!can i know what is ur name?

viet: v-Vietnam...

mal: ouh!!what a wonderful name!!my name is Malaysia!!nice to meet you viet!!

viet: w-where are we..?a-and why do they sent us here..??

mal: idk...i also came here after 20 minutes ago:P

viet: h-hey...can i ask you...something..?

mal: sure

viet: were you taken by them then they killed your family?

mal: yes ... I used to..but I was able to escape many times..that's why I was hunted down..I have 2 close friends who are the same as the two of us...I fell while they chased the three of us..I wasted their time..thankfully 2 of my friends were able to escape...but I'm still not sure if they want to save me or not..

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