Chapter 6

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uhm.....i need to tell u something but 1st,enjoy da chapter 1st;P








???: hmmm...Eu não esperava que você fosse proficiente neste idioma.. (translation: I didn't expect you to be proficient in this language..)

mal: *smirk* não sou apenas bom em cantar,Brazil (translation: I'm not only good at singing..)

brazil: *clap* what unexpected~

mal: obrigada~ *li bit bow to him while smirking* 

(fun fact: i did mal know about portuguese language cuz from malaysian culture..wanted more detail?go ask Mr. Google;P)

singa: mal,can't u stop da drama?

mal: *giggles* aye2 captain!!

argentina: always like that huh?

singa: *sigh* he love attention sometime..

argentina: i see,

brunei: phil,can u hand the paper?

phil: *hand it*

chile: is it true that they are the singer that in the tv?so different....

brunei: *chuckle* yes,it was them..but this is their true version..

singa: the trio just be themselves..*sign the paper* done. *hand the paper to argentina*

argentina: *sign the paper* peru,

peru: *carrying a bag full of weapons*

brunei: indo,can you please? *sweet smile*

indo: *nodded then check the bag* original.

singa: alright,that's all..

argentina: *chuckle* it's fun to cooperate with ur clan..

singa: *nodded then lil bit bow* 

argentina: gracias~ 

mal: tata!!!bye bye,amigo!!!:3

brazil: visit me next time!!

mal: sure:D







argentina: *smocking* ¿Hacer un nuevo amigo? (translation: make a new friend?)

brazil: él está lleno de sorpresa y amistoso.. (translation: he is full of surprise and friendly..)

peru: no confíes demasiado en él... tal vez pueda ser nuestro enemigo en el futuro.. (translation: don't trust him too much...he maybe can be our enemy in future..)

chile: ...

argentina: chile?

chile: ¿¿si, que es eso?? (translation: yes??what is it??)

argentina: estas soñando despierta o algo?? (translation: are you daydreaming or something??)

chile: no nada.. (translation: no..nothing..)

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