Chapter 9

547 11 7

i love plot twist..don't ask me why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯








kiwi: ...*slowly open up his eyes but still dizzy*

???: u awake kid,

kiwi: big  bro....?aussie...?

???: shut up..lemme call ur dad 1st,

New Zealand POV

as i slowly wake up..i saw there 2 countries is staring at of them look at me with worry face..?idk what is happening..are they get me?...why there something hanging my hand,stomach and my feet..i look around for a moment..i have no idea what is this place..i'm just hungry right now..



UK: new zealand?

kiwi: d-dad...?

UK: *come closer to him and hug him*

kiwi: happening..?why there something weird on my body...?

UK: why u ran away from house?

kiwi: ...i....

UK: *sigh* forgot about that..

kiwi: dad...where are we?why those people look at me?

UK: New Zealand,listened to me..

kiwi: what..?

UK: i'm sorry,this is for clan and our family life.. *back off*

kiwi: h-huh?what do u mea- *insert a kid is screaming in pain*

New Zealand POV

am screaming in pain..I feel like I was head hurts a lot..I feel like my head was stabbed with a sharp object..I screamed in pain and my vision slowly darkened..

















New Zealand POV

i slowly open my eyes..i look people around me look at me..i just get up..idk why but i feel boring..what is happening?i didn't remember everything?why they look at me with those weird eyes..then da old man come closer to me..i just stood there..

UK: new zealand???are u okay?

New Zealand....what was that?is that my name?is this old man related in my life before..?idk what to react when he call my just..i didn't feel anything...just feel boring..

UK: New Zealand?????

kiwi: *blankly look at him* what?

UK: are u okay??

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