"Dang, they catch feelings fast" Chapter 5

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Previously on Unconditional Love 💜

"Regie starts driving and He plays The Weeknd - Save Your Tears."

Regie stops the car and we all get out. "Where is sebas- I mean the rest of the boys?" Hailey says confused.

Regie: They are sitting at the benches over there next to the entrance waiting for us.

Regie points in the direction of the boys and we start walking towards them.


"Nice to meet you," Justin says opening his arms for a hug.

"Nice to meet you, Justin," I say nervously hugging him back.

"Hey I'm Oli, I'm sure you already know," Oli says with a smile.

"Yeah." I nervously chuckle.

When Hailey and I finished greeting all of the boys, we all started to talk about random things and joke around with each other.

Oliver: Alright, that's enough chit chat lets go get on some ridess!

Everyone started to walk towards the amusement park entrance except me. Regie looked at me and asked me what was wrong.

Y/n: Oh nothing I just have to use the bathroom, Do you know where it is?

Regie: Oh yeah, It's over there next to the food stands.

I say ok and I start to walk towards the bathrooms. I quickly go into a bathroom stall and I pull down my underwear.

 "Oh no no no no!" I say looking at the blood stains on my panties. "Fuuuck I forgot my tampons". I quickly pick up my phone and I try to call Hailey but it goes straight to voicemail.

"UGH," I say as I move my hands through my hair. I start to make a tissue pad until I remembered something. " Hailey has pads in her purse in the car". I walk out of the stall and I start to walk to the car while looking down until I bumped into someone. I look up from looking at my feet and I see Regie looking down at me.

Regie: Uh is everything okay?

Y/n: Y-yea of course... I-I just need to grab something out of the car.

Regie: Oh, I can just grab it for you I was going to the car to get my phone anyways.

Y/n: NO- I mean no thank you I-I'm just gonna get it.

Regie: W-

"YO Regie!" Justin said from afar

"What?" Regie says as he walks away towards Justin.

I let out a huge sigh and I start walking to the car once again.

I grab the pads and Regie's phone since I know he needed it and then I start to walk back to the bathroom to do the rest of my business.


After all of that mess, Regie, Hailey, Seb, and I decided to go on the fairis wheel together. Hailey pulled me aside while the boys were paying to get on the ride and she started whispering to me.

Hailey: I'm gonna make my move on Sebastian.~

"What? Hailey, we are just fans and we literally just met them, there's no way Sebastian Moy would like you."~ I whisper back to her. 

"I'm still gonna try, I already held his hand when we walked over here," Hailey says looking at Sebby.

Y/n: Okay good luck I guess.

Hailey and Sebastian get on first and then me and Regie get on the one below them. The ride starts moving and Regie pulls out his phone to take a picture of us.

"Give me your hand," Regie asks nicely. I place my hand in his and he takes the picture.

 I place my hand in his and he takes the picture

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Y/n: The view is amazing.

Regie posts it on his insta and He puts his phone back in his pocket.

I start to smile and Regie looks at me.

Regie: what?

Y/n: Nothing it's just Hailey, She's trying to make her move on Sebastian.

Regie: Really?

Y/n: Yup.

Regie: wow that's a coincidence.

Y/n:: How??

Regie: Because Sebastian told me that he likes her too.

Y/n: Dang they catch feelings fast.

See you in the next chapter my loves


Unconditional love-Regie Macalino💜Where stories live. Discover now