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My baby girl is getting married; I can't believe it. Ruth had to talk me out of making a detour to the airport as I drove Carla-Ruth to the venue

As of this evening, all four of our kids will be married. It doesn't seem possible; it feels like only yesterday I was marrying my Ruth.

C.R. looks like a princess in her fluffy wedding gown. Tears spring to my eyes as I look at my beautiful daughter.

The man she is marrying is a good guy; truthfully, I really like him, but I don't think anyone will ever be good enough for her in my eyes.

It wasn't this hard when Brantley and Cam got married, I guess because they are boys and both chose really wonderful girls. Both of their wives remind me a lot of Ruth.

Even with Renee, I didn't get so torn up, maybe because she had married her first love, kind of like Ruth and I. They have been together since she was fifteen, and we knew even then that they would end up spending their lives together.

With C.R., she had gone through dozens of boys, and so when her boyfriend of six months came to ask for my permission to marry her, I nearly laughed him out the door.

You see Carla-Ruth has been a spitfire from the day she was born; she has kept busy by keeping her mother and me on our toes every second of the day. It only got worse as she got older. Don't get me wrong; she was far from a bad kid, and she never lied about anything she did, but boy did she do a lot.

Being named after Carla was far from where their similarities ended. Ruth says she swears she is Car reincarnated; they have the same devil may care personality, and she is never afraid to voice her opinion or stand up for what she believes in. She also has both her mother's and Car's hearts; she is tough as nails but has a sensitive side. She would give the shirt off her back and the last dollar in her pocket to anyone she thought needed it.

Twenty years though she has been my baby, and the thought of giving her away to another man in an hour makes me a bundle of nerves.

"Dad, quit freaking out. I'm getting married, not going to war." She says rolling her eyes, patting me on the arm from the passenger's seat.

I notice how tight my grip is on the steering wheel and relax a little.

"I know, but are you sure you actually want to go through with this, because if not, I will turn this car...."

"Yes, dad, he's the love of my life. I can't wait to marry him."

I let out a deep breath. "If you're really sure."

"I am, dad; he is so good to me, and the way he looks at me...he looks at me the way you look at mom, and a love like that doesn't come along every day."

"You're right, it doesn't." I say pulling into the parking lot and cutting the engine. "If you say he makes you happy, then I'm happy for you." I lean over and kiss her cheek.

"Stop, dad, you're going to ruin my makeup." She grins

"Ok, let's get this over with." I say getting out and coming to her side.

I reach for her hand and walk her inside.


I spot Ruth and make my way to her, grabbing her waist and pulling her into my arms.

"Couldn't talk her out of it, huh?" She teases.

"No, she's hell bent that this is happening, so I guess I'm gonna have to be ok with it."

"He's a good guy, Lucas; he will take care of her; you shouldn't worry. I'm not."

"I know, but..."

"No buts, love; now come on, we have to take our places." She says pulling away and reaching for my hand.

I line up beside C.R. and link my arm through hers. Everyone else is already in the wedding hall as we wait for our cue to enter.

The music starts to play, and I squeeze her hand. "This is it, baby girl, your last chance. "


"Only kidding, princess, you look as beautiful as your mother on her wedding day. Just make sure he keeps his hands off of you until I leave." I say this with only a half-joking chuckle.

"I love you, dad. Thank you for everything. "

"I love you, princess. Now, let's go; we don't want to keep everyone waiting.

We make our way inside and down the aisle. I take each and every step slowly.

I know what will happen when I reach the end, and I want to prolong it for as long as possible.

The memories flood back with each step, to when we first found out Ruth was pregnant and how she was our light in the darkness we faced, almost as if Car and Ty had sent her to us. Finding out she was a girl, her birth, her first steps, when she started school, all of her birthdays, her first boyfriend, sneaking out, breaking her arm when she wrecked her friend's motorcycle, her first job, going off to college, meeting her husband-to-be and introducing us.

By the time we make it to the end of the aisle and it's time to give her away, I am a crying mess.

We stop just in front of the wedding party and the officiant.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" He asks.

Carla-Ruth nudges my side, letting me know I need to speak.

"I do." I say pulling her into a quick hug and kiss before handing her over and replacing my hand with his.

"Take good care of my girl." I say patting him on the shoulder.

"Yes, sir. I promise I will every day for the rest of my life." He says quickly as I move to take my seat beside Ruth.

I wrap my arm around her, and she hands me a tissue.

She gently pats my knee, and I pull her closer to me.

I watch with tears still flowing as my baby girl says her tearful vows. They pledge their love for one another, and the preacher announces them husband and wife.

I never knew my heart could be so full and so broken at the same time as she smiles at her mother and me as they make their way back down the aisle together.

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