You asked i delivered ig

Start from the beginning

I sat on the sofa in the livingroom putting on a movie for myself to watch. After a few minutes Anne came in and sat with me,

"Plans were cancelled so I guess I'm staying in tonight, mind if I watch the movie with you?" She asked as she leaned back into the sofa.

I nodded with a smile,
"Yeah of course, it's Alice in Wonderland I'm sure you'll love it!"

We sat in silence watching the movie until Anne pulled the blanket from the other sofa and scooted close to me covering us both with the blanket. I glanced at her but she was just looking at the tv screen. I could smell the faint smell of dish soap so I assumed she had done the dishes before sitting with me.

I felt tired but was determined to stay away throughout the film until I felt pressure on my shoulder and looked over to se Anne out cold on me. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her gently before dozing off with her.

I woke up first while Anne was still sleeping on me. We had moved at somepoint in the night to where we were both lying down her on top of me while I was under her. I wouldn't be able to get up without waking her up and that would end in an awkward moment so I just went back to sleep and waited for her to get up herself.

Tommy an hour later came loudly running through the livingroom yelling something about keys and his friend picking him up, waking both me and Anne in the process. He didn't even seem to notice we were cuddling on the sofa before he came in and when he found his keys he ran out again and left the apartment.

Me and Anne looked at eachother before bursting out laughing at the others panicked running about. She got off me and we both sat up. Both our faces were red from laughing.

"So what do you want for breakfast?" I asked and she looked at me for a moment before grinning,

"My surprise!" She got off the sofa untangling herself from the blanket and going into the kitchen. When I tried to follow her in she pushed me back out and shut the door saying I wasn't aloud to see yet so I went into my room and changed into a comfortable purple hoodie and a pair of shorts with fluffy socks. I didn't have work or anything interesting to do today so I wasn't in any rush.

I went back into the livingroom sitting back down on the sofa waiting for Anne to call me into the kitchen to eat.

After around 20 minutes I was called back into the kitchen and I entered to see the table set with the most gorgeous pancakes I've ever seen on the plates. My face must've lit up because Anne started laughing,

"So you like it then?" She asked still grinning.

I nodded quickly,
"Yes wow these look so amazing!" I grinned sitting down. Anne sat across from me at the small table as we always did. We started eating and after a few minutes Anne had caught one of my ankles between her own. It was practically the lower body version of holding hands, with that thought my face went a slight pinkish colour while Anne was unfazed.

I just stayed quiet not making a comment on it as I continued to eat my pancakes. They tasted better than they looked I hummed in enjoyment and Anne took that as approval for the food and we ate it in mostly silence. Once we were both done I took the plates and cutlery and washed them.

"Wait I do dishes" Anne protested.

"And I cook breakfasts so I'm returning the favour" I replied as I finished washing them and put them on the drying rack before drying my hands on a tea towel.  Anne sighed in defeat.

"So do you want to go to see a movie with me?" She asked leaning on the counter.

"Yeah sure, what movie and when?" I asked standing infront of her.

"The new minions movie and today!" She replied a smile on her face.

I laughed,

She rolled her eyes,
"It's a very classy movie" she defended.

"Yeah right" I took a moment to stop laughing before nodding, "but I'll go with you yeah"

"Okay we'll go get ready because we leave in an hour" she chirped before going to her own room to get herself ready. I walked to my room and dressed in some cargo pants and a black and white crop top. I put on my trainers before sitting on my bed getting my small makeup bag and mirror out from the side of my bed and going through the bag putting on light eyeshadow and some eyeliner on before adding mascara. I smiled at my reflection and got out some lip balm applying it before closing it and shoving it in my pocket. This process took about 45 minutes total. With the last 15 minutes I did my hair and went to the bathroom before grabbing a zip up black jumper and put it on without zipping it up.

I made sure I had my car keys and wallet with me before I waited in the livingroom for Anne to emerge from her room. She did a few minutes later.

"I'll drive" I told her as I stood up and she followed. We got in the car and I started it. We drove to the movie theatre and walked in both buying our own tickets and food before going into the large room with the tv and sitting down together in a cosy part of the room we chatted until the movie started and we both focused on the screen.

Part way through the movie I felt Anne leaning on me her arm around me aswell. My face heated up as I sat there frozen for a while. I smiled as I felt her other hand slide into my own. It was nice. The movie had its halfway through bathroom break where ads came on for about 5-10 minutes while people rushed to the bathroom. Neither Anne or I moved to leave but she lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me. I looked to the side so my head was facing her. She just stared at me for a moment before leaning towards me and placing a gentle kiss on my lips,

"I really like you Y/n" she whispered.

I felt my face go red while I just stared at her in a state of shock for a few seconds before a smile covered my face.

"I'm glad you do because I feel the same with you" I leaned in and we had another more passionate kiss before the movie started up again and we continued to watch the movie together while we held hands leaning close to eachother the whole time..


I procrastinated writing this for like 2 months but here it is ig-'s terrible ik but I didn't really plan for Anne to have a purpose so she didn't actually have much of a personality.

I don't think I'll be making a sequel to this anytime soon either as I'm not really in the dsmp fandom anymore.

also rest in peace technoblade.

As he has passed out of respect  I'm just going to put it out there that any requests for technoblade x readers will be ignored or told no as I'm not really comfortable writing about a real person who has passed away apologies.


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