She's already done so much for me, I feel like I'm just taking and taking and not giving anything back...

"I haven't earned it," I say.

"What are you talking about? You deserve it more than anyone else. Most of the money you earned during your career, you donated. You could have been able to pay for HU yourself but you decided to help others in need first. You deserve it, please believe me."

"Thank you..."

"Does this mean you'll accept?" I slowly shake my head. "I will not be a passive bystander when you're about to lose the place you call home."

"You're so sweet and I love that you want to give me the money for tuition but I can't just take it."

"Then what are we going to do?"

I love that she says 'we' instead of 'you'.

"I don't know..."

"What about a loan?"

"It's just too much money. I'd be scared of not being able to pay it back. I don't want to be in debt."

"But... what other options are there?"


When I don't answer, her arms around me start to shake a little. I think she's holding her breath.

"Do you regret telling me?" she asks.

"No. I'm glad I told you..."

Her head is buried in my chest. She's taking this so calmly. I thought for sure she was going to cry. I cup her cheeks to make her look at me. She is crying...

"Can you finish your degree in Japan?" She asks, ignoring her own tears.

"Um... Yeah, probably."

"Would that be affordable?"


"You have two years left for your Bachelor though."


"What about us?"

"I don't know." This hurts so bad to think about. "We could try long-distance," I say and feel how my voice breaks.  I think I'm really scared of losing her...

She turns around with stiff shoulders, probably still holding her breath. "My Make-up is going to smudge," she whispers. I don't want her to cry...

"We can visit each other," I say, not making it any better. I suck with words. Sports was the only thing I was ever really good at and right now I can't even do that right.

"I have a request."

"Okay, sure, what is it?" I'm pretty much willing to do anything to make her happy right now.

"Can we please look at all the options before you decide to move back to Japan? There has got to be some other way for you to stay." When she looks over her shoulder, I give her a thankful nod. "What if the money wasn't a gift? What if you worked for it? Would you take it then?"

"Like a job?"

"Yes. My father owns so many businesses. If he employed you, the salary could cover your tuition." I doubt that an undergrad college kid could make a salary of 100K but if there's a chance, I should probably welcome it with open arms. "Of course it wouldn't cover the full tuition but maybe enough for you to take out a reasonably small loan for the rest."

"Yeah that's... a possibility. It's kinda up to your dad though."

"I can talk to him first thing in the morning. Or better yet, I will join him at golf in the afternoon, that way I can address the topic while he is in a good mood."

Never Without You │ BOTW modern AU fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora