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It was a long workday, even though Clarke had slept in that godly bed of Lexa's, and by the time she was finally home, her body was exhausted to no end.

The next one was no better. It was like work just piled up more and more the closer they got to the trip to California and Clarke had no chance to ever catch up.

She had copied her notebook pages and given them to Lexa, but otherwise they had hardly at all talked, let alone met up again. It was Thursday when they had the next chance to.

Lexa was occupied with the drawer of her desk when Clarke entered the office, trying to get it open, and she grunted with a particularly hard pull.

"I don't think that's going to work through violence," Clarke commented with a grin.

"You have no idea. This has been stuck since forever."

"And it opens if you yank it out?"

Lexa scoffed and kicked against it in frustration. There was a little 'click' sound, and the drawer opened itself. Lexa looked up at Clarke with a victorious grin.

Clarke laughed.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanna hang out later, you know, last practice and stuff?" she asked after Lexa had sorted out the drawer thing and the other woman got up with a little bit of a frown on her forehead, walking towards the large window in the back of her office.

"I would, but there's a problem with some pipes in the top few apartments of my block. I got a call earlier today, they're already fixing it, but I probably won't have much light or heat tonight. Can't really offer that to a guest."

Clarke thought for a moment, her fingers fiddling with the hem of her shirt. "You can come over to my place," she said without having given it much thought. It wasn't a good idea, really, not at all, but it was long due to invite Lexa too. "If you want to," she added hastily. "I mean it's not closely as cool as yours, or as big, or as luxurious, or as everything. It's just a little bit I can afford. But- well, um- if you'd like to come anyway? My couch isn't that big either. Not closely. It's pretty small. Everything's pretty small. I don't have that many drinks either."

Lexa laughed a little. "Clarke. Stop. I'd love to come if you don't mind?"

"No, no, not at all, not at all. I have a small guest room too, you know, if you'd like to stay over for tonight. Because it might not be so nice to stay in an apartment without electricity and our flight goes early tomorrow. Just an offer."

"Are you sure though? I don't want to bother."

"Please Lexa, after the times you've let me stay over and did everything, it's long time for me to do the same."

"Don't feel obligated to."

"I'm not."

"Well then... I'd love to come, yeah, thank you so much," Lexa said with a smile, returned to her desk and leaned on it. As she did so, there was a quiet sound of something creaking, and the next moment, the drawer fell out of its place and crashed on the floor.


Clarke was frantically cleaning her apartment over and over again, replacing the cushions on the sofa and shoving all paintings into the living room to clean the rooms they'd been in. Though before she could place them back again, it knocked at the door.

Clarke's eyes flickered to the clock and she breathed with relief when she saw that it was only barely past 7, and that must've been her parents who had said they'd wanted to say goodbye.

It's just Pretend | clexa AUWhere stories live. Discover now