chapter two

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They met for lunch break in Lexa's office. The temperatures just seemed to rise and rise and Clarke's office was barely survivable.

Lexa had ordered Thai take-out and while she sat leaned back in her chair and ate, she watched Clarke get a pen and her notebook across of her desk.

"Okay. We need to talk about everything," she said, looking up into Lexa's eyes. The blue of her eyes gleamed as motivated as ever while some strands of hair fell out of the woman's too loose bun. Lexa nodded, letting her eyes trail over the soft waves of blond before going to the notebook in Clarke's hands, reading the title 'relationship'.

"You will have to burn these very pages there," Lexa mentioned and Clarke nodded.

"I won't leave them in there for sure. Now, what do we have?" she asked, making a bullet point. "Favorite things," she thought out loud while writing it down and Lexa frowned.

"Favorite things?"

"Of course! Mrs. Blake is a smart woman. She knows what to ask people and it'll be important to know what someone likes or dislikes."

"Then write down least favorite things as well."

Clarke nodded. She made a little arrow and wrote 'animals, shows/movies, songs, artists, food...' behind it. "Alright. Next is basic life."

"What's basic life?" Lexa asked confused, taking another bite of probably the best Thai noodles there were in New York, waiting until Clarke had written it all down and was focused back on Lexa.

"Education, family connections, friends, lifestyle..." Clarke counted up and Lexa nodded. In this matter, she would have to entirely rely on Clarke, because Lexa was good at a lot of things and romantic relationships were not one of them.

"Sounds good."

"Then the next one is... past? Bad events like possible traumas, break-ups or losing someone, positive events which would include all kind of good memories from childhood up to now, good relationships, whatever."

"Alright," Lexa nodded, frantically trying to think of anything that was interesting about her past. No one wanted a boring girlfriend after all.

"Philosophical mindset?" Clarke asked and Lexa just kept nodding, not even sure what exactly Clarke meant. Lucky for her, she muttered all the words she scribbled down out loud. "Religious matters, goals and dreams, ideas and mindset about life..."

"Sounds good."

"Thanks Lexa, your comments are keeping me up. Is there anything else?"

"Maybe food intolerances, allergies, chronical illnesses or any history of them?" Lexa asked, thinking if there was anything for her apart from wearing contacts and having bad eyes. If that even counted.


It took them almost their already too short lunch break to just note down stuff. The clock was ticking quietly in the end, when they were both just eating and thinking about how they would be able to fake an entire relationship. It was the same boring grey on the same headache white wall as in Clarke's office. At least it wasn't a temperature to melt away.

Lexa's eyes kept flickering back to the blonde, who had more to eat left because she had spent most of the time writing.

"Would you like to come over to my place tonight?" it left Lexa before she could think about it. "I mean we only have a week left to discuss our entire lives and remember all details."

"Yeah, sure!" Clarke replied, getting shaken out of her thoughts. "When?"

"Eight? If that isn't too late?"

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