chapter eight

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Clarke woke up the second time to the sound of a specifically loud thunder and rain intensifying against the bedroom window. The sky was so grey and dark, that although Clarke had missed to pull the curtains back into place, the daylight hadn't woken her up. It was past ten a.m. when she got up. She only did so because it was already too late to sleep at another one's place and she was sure Lexa somewhen wanted her bedroom back, otherwise she didn't think she could've dragged her body out of the bed. A thunderstorm, rain, a warm, soft bed and a huge window like that showing a perfect view on New York- yeah, she'd stayed in bed all day.

Lexa was in the kitchen, hood pulled up and busy with a paper bag when Clarke left the bedroom.

"Morning," she greeted, but Lexa didn't turn around or acknowledged her.

Fuck. She'd known it. Something was wrong.


No response. Lexa wasn't a person who just ignored like that, right?

"All right, I wasn't planning on bothering you any longer but you could at least look at me," Clarke mentioned and after a few moments, Lexa did turn her head.

She jumped a little, reaching up to her ears to take ear buds out and pulling off her hood. "Good morning. Did you say something? You woke up just right, I got breakfast."


"Oh um- breakfast?"

"I mean I'm not forcing you to stay, but I heard that you're a 'bad word' for good breakfast, so I ordered some from the shop at the corner, I'm not sure if you know it but that's hands down one of the best places to get breakfast in New York."

"You're kidding me Lexa, what," Clarke said as she looked over waffles and syrup, different berries and fruits, pancakes, scrambled egg and bacon. "Oh I can so live with being your girlfriend."

Lexa laughed a bit, telling herself it wasn't a reason to freak out and placing the stuff on the table. "Orange juice, milk, tea, coffee, anything else?"

"Oh- uh, coffee sounds good. Thank you."

"Well, I have no idea of coffee but my friend likes it too so in case he's over, here's the coffee machine, choose whatever you'd like."

The 'coffee machine' was a manifested coffee dream. Clarke stared at it in disbelief and considered if she could steal it and replace it with the old, for the tenth time by Bellamy fixed coffee machine standing in her own kitchen.

With her coffee easily poured, she sat back down at the table and let her eyes trail over all the good food. God. She really did love breakfast the best, together with late night meals.

Food in general was great.

"I'm gonna leave you the money for this," she informed Lexa, who just laughed and shook her head.

"You're not gonna leave anything. You're my girlfr- ah, holy shit," she squealed and the next thing Clarke knew was Lexa up from her chair and hiding behind Clarke.

"What is it?" the blonde asked panicked, concerned, looking around for any signs of danger and checking Lexa for some sort of injury or pain.

There was another thunder outside, rumbling low and deep and Lexa just looked more afraid.

"Oh. You afraid of thunder?"

"What, no," Lexa rambled, staring at the window and Clarke cocked an eyebrow. It made sense then that Lexa had had her music so loud earlier.

"Do you want me to close the curtains? Or put your music back on?"

"The curtains would be great," Lexa sighed and Clarke got up to close them. The apartment was lit up by the same light, only the rain covered window was gone, together with the city lights.

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