chapter three

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Clarke swore she'd started getting ready in time and she swore it had been 7.45 when she had gotten into the car and she swore it usually wouldn't have taken longer than 10 minutes to get to Lexa's apartment building.

Well, she was her typical six minutes too late anyway. Sometimes it were her typical ten minutes, no matter how hard she tried, she somehow always got stuck in traffic, her usual coffee shop had closed or was too crowded, she forgot something in her apartment, she spilled some drink on her clothes...

But Lexa opened with a soft smile anyway. Clarke's jaw almost dropped, it might have slightly, at the image of the woman in sweatpants and a light blue hoodie, the hood pulled up over soft, freshly washed hair. She didn't think she'd ever seen Lexa in loungewear.

"Hi," she said. "I hope you don't mind the clothes, I just showered and didn't want to get back in a suit or something."

"No, of course not," Clarke answered, stepping into the apartment after Lexa had motioned for her to do so. She wasn't sure if she had heard wrong or there had been something of nervousness in Lexa's voice. "I mean we're girlfriends now," she added with a light grin.

That grin disappeared as soon as Lexa led her further into the apartment and Clarke saw the living room. "Are you kidding me? You live like this and still work in our company?" she asked incredulously, eyes wandering over the couch in the middle of the room, a huge TV, the space probably as big as Clarke's entire apartment. What really caught her eye though was the glass wall, offering an insane view over New York, the dim light giving the perfect opportunity to look outside from the top floor.

"I told you I care about the world getting a better place to live in, and one way to achieve that is fair clothing and donating."

Clarke turned around with slightly parted lips. "Woah. I would never be able to leave this apartment for work if I lived here."

Lexa smiled. "Would you like to drink something? Water, wine, whiskey...?"

Clarke laughed. "I look like a whiskey drinker to you?" she asked and Lexa shrugged, going around the counter that seperated the kitchen corner from the room. Of course there were barstools and fancy alcohol glasses and bottles. Clarke wondered how often Lexa threw these kinds of parties.

"Why not?" the brunette asked. She nodded to the notebook in Clarke's hand. "Favorite things? What's your favorite alcohol?"

Clarke grinned. "That's a nice way to start off the evening." She put the notebook on the counter and leaned against it, thinking, subconciously spinning her pen. "I would probably go with the basic wine," she said.

"What kind?"

"Um... anything that makes a nice Friday evening on the couch?"

Lexa feigned shock. "What? All wine?"

"I guess?"

She gasped. "You clearly haven't tried out the really, really good ones."

"Well, change that," Clarke challenged with a grin and not a minute later, she got handed a wine glass filled with dark red liquid. The sweet taste exploded over her tongue and it felt like her tastebuds were left drunk by one sip.

The wine didn't have the sharpness and sting of her usual grocery store wine, which she had grown to love too, but could not ever compare to whatever heaven Lexa had filled into that glass.

It was lush, running down her throat like warm honey, and it made her forget it was alcohol in the first place.


"Good? Holy shit Lexa this is godly. Is that your favorite wine?"

"Yes, one of them."

Lexa walked around the counter, a glass of the wine in hands herself and nodded Clarke over to the couch. So far, everything was going good.

Well, they were only three minutes in. Probably Lexa shouldn't be proud of that.

She watched Clarke sit down, notebook in her lap, putting the wine on the couch table. "Alright. My favorite alcohol is your wine," Clarke said and wrote it down. "Yours? I have a feeling you're a whiskey drinker," she said, leaning back and watching Lexa. The woman shrugged and pulled her legs up on the couch as her hood fell off her wet hair.

"I mean I wouldn't say no to it. I drink those when I'm at any work-related party with alcohol."

"But you prefer...?"


Clarke noted it down. "See, we're a perfect fit, we already have similarities," she said proudly. "What's your favorite animal?"

"A jellyfish."

"A jellyfish?" Clarke asked incredulous, writing it down and looking back up at Lexa.

"I mean why not, jellyfishes are fun."

"Very... fun."

"What's yours?"

"Favorite animal? Hm. I'm not sure I even have one," Clarke thought. "Oh yes I do!" she then exclaimed "A raccoon!"

Lexa nodded slowly. "A raccoon."

"Favorite show?"

"I mean there are a few... But I think I really do like... like Peppa Pig," Lexa admitted and Clarke laughed. It sounded pretty in the spacious room- not that Lexa thought it'd sound anything else anywhere else- and the brunette realized just how much she'd missed having anyone other than Lincoln over.

"For real?"

"Of course! But if I happened to have a girlfriend that likes any of the other shows there are, I would sacrifice a part of me and watch that too," she mentioned theatrically and Clarke kept a grin on her face.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"I don't know, you have to ask said girlfriend that. What's your favorite show?"

"Hm- I really love zombies and stuff so obviously The Walking Dead. All Of Us Are Dead is good too. World War Z is freaking amazing. I don't really like the ending of Train To Busan but otherwise, that movie slaps too. But I can settle with Brooklyn 99, Friends, Game of Thrones, you know that stuff too. If I have to decide though, I'll stick with the zombie universe."

Lexa looked at her. "Maybe I won't sacrifice a part of me actually. You don't think we'll have to watch movies or shows together, right?" she asked hesitantly and Clarke shrugged.

"I mean she probably won't sit behind all of our daily acitivities. Or nightly," she added, referring to watching shows but not missing Lexa's slight blush, even if the light wasn't too bright. "Why?"

"Just asking."

"Aha. You're not scared of zombies or something, right?"

"Me?" Lexa asked in faked disbelief, hiding it behind a smile. "No, totally not."

"Totally" Clarke repeated, her grin growing. "Well do you have a favorite movie?"

"I mean I would go with The Minions but since you'll probably expect something smart, I'd say something contemporary or something dsystopian. Like The Hunger Games."

"Oh I love these! What's your favorite part?"

"Of The Minions?" Lexa asked and then caught up that it probably was not about them. "Ahem, I mean in the books I'd say the first but I think Catching Fire was the best movie."

"Oh well see, I've found quite the agreeable girlfriend. Now, what's your favorite Minions part?"

"I like all of them so much... I can't tell. I should rewatch them and give you your answer then."


hi guys,
rather short chapter but I hoped you enjoyed it anyway, I would be really happy about a vote if you did :)
stay safe and awesome everyone!

It's just Pretend | clexa AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें