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I'm making Eshima's nickname Ash. A bit westernised, but it's the closest to Eshima so let's just go with that.

After USJ things were extremely hectic and just honestly not the kind of situation that I am used to be in or even want to be in really

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After USJ things were extremely hectic and just honestly not the kind of situation that I am used to be in or even want to be in really.

We get a few days off of course, I mean it is basically obligatory, we just got invaded by tons of villains, in which they suck because they lost to a bunch of highschoolers, big L.

Now after that it's definitely something, when I got home Inosuke and Tanjiro were waiting in front of my house door, they were really worried, and honestly you can see it from miles away.

Though Inosuke doesn't really show it, he's oddly quiet so that says something and I've known him long enough to know that that is his way of showing emotions.

He doesn't like showing it that much so, we get what we get.

So yeah, they were acting like my damn parents, not like I remembered what that felt like, and Tanjiro specifically went all mom mode at me.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why aren't you in a hospital? Did you got hit by a quirk? Does anything feels weird?" Any questions of the sort, he'd ask and I'd deny all of them.

In the end they invited themselves in my house and it was like we're back in third grade where they would huddle around me when I'm sick, sneaking in snacks and watching cartoons with me, and you know, try to care for me.

Would you believe me if I say Inosuke is the better caretaker? A better medic than Tanjiro I mean.

Well you better, cuz trust me, he is.

Tanjiro is a good fighter, he's extremely qualified to be a good hero, with a good personality, but the only downside is that he's shit at taking care of himself, including others, and Inosuke despite his... behaviour is actually.. better.

So now here we are, all three of us in the living room, with them, no, Inosuke trying to aid the wounds in my back that I may have forget to mention to the medic.

What can I say, my costume is that good that blood can't even seep through.

"Ash your entire back is bruised." I shrugged, earning a smack across the head. "Stop moving."

"You know it's mean to hit wounded girls." I grumbled, shifting uncomfortably as the wet cotton dabbed on my back.

"You'd have to change every few hours." Inosuke gave me the bandage in which I went to the bathroom and wrapped it around my body, though before that I took a glance at my back.

It's horrific.

"Why didn't you even go to recovery girl in the first place?" Tanjiro raised his eyebrows to which I don't have an answer to, to then I responded with a shrug, fixing my clothes down. "It didn't feel that bad before."

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