• invasion •

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"We won't be doing anything for today, but we will be picking the class rep

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"We won't be doing anything for today, but we will be picking the class rep. You kids deal with it on your own, and DON'T wake me up." the walking hobo looking man said with a tired look on his face, as he finished saying what needed to be said, he slid himself back to his coccoon and fell on the ground, like literally SPLAT. Fell.

I wonder how he's able to do that.

After that everyone was raising their hands wanting to be the rep, I looked at them with a genuine concerned look.

I have never once in my life have been in a class so dedicated to be a rep.

Now despite all of them talking, and arguing, I simply yawned. Uninterested at the current situation. I mean I do not really feel a need to be involved in the current matter.

"I have a solution, why don't we vote for the class rep, that way it'd be fair and no one could complain."

I mean I ain't opposing to that. Grabbing a pen and paper I wrote down a random name and put them in the box, whatever happens next is a mystery.

No not really.

"Midoriya got three votes? Damn Midoriya you're famous." No, some people just prefer to choose someone over themselves like most of you are.


Magic, poof.

"I didn't get any, well that is definitely alright, what we did today was completely fair and square."

A big dump to your ego huh Iida? Poor you.

My head was simply blank the entire time they chatted, I mean to be honest right now it's a free class right? I can just I don't know, follow into Aizawa's footsteps and just sleep to my desire, which I did.

Well that didn't age well.

The second I woke up, the alarms were blaring, no one was in class, and not to mention it sounds like there's an ongoing stampede outside.

I panicked as I thought that there's a genuine emergency happening, I opened the door but then was instantly swept by the crowd.

Everyone was pushing me from every direction to the point that it's sickening, every single smell was combining into one, loud noises of anyone and everyone comes from one ear and goes out from the other, and the whole situation is just making me claustraphobic.

I want to get out of here.

I need to get out of here.

I tried so hard trying to avoid the swarm of people with multiple of curses surrounding my head.

All of you are hero students, act like one.

Though the more I try to escape, the more I was brought by the current. I started panicking and my breath was speeding up.

I hate this, I hate this so much.

As I was starting to feel desperate and a little bit lost in hope, my hands were pulled to a direction. I was about to panic even more until I felt the same tingly sensation I felt just a few days ago.

As I was dragged out of the crowd, I looked up to see whoever was holding my hand, and I wasn't surprised when I realized it's Kaminari.

"Hey Eshima you ok? I saw you panicking a bit there, hope you don't mind." He had a concern tone covering his voice, and overall his hands haven't leave my wrist causing me to focus on that and that only.

What is this feeling, it's not normal.

"Hey Kaminari are you using your quirk?" I asked, he tilted his head confused. "What? No, wait did I electrocute you by accident- O-oh I'm sorry I forgot I was holding.."

"No it's not that, it's just.." I bit my lip, not really sure what to say next about it. He stared at me curiously, hands not leaving my wrist left.

I shook my head. "It's nothing, nevermind."

"O-oh, that's good then." He let go of my wrist and I almost voiced out a protest, but I held what's left of my pride and just coughed it out.

Even though he let me go, he was still standing in front of me, acting like a shield for me from the panicking students. I saw him grimace a few times as people were unconsciously stepping and hitting at him.

I cursed under my breath at these people, speaking of being unprofessional.

It kept going until Iida suddenly flew to the top of the exit door, and screamed at the top of his lungs.


...really? All of this, all of this damn chaos? For the media?

I am just.. oh whatever.

But thankfully the crowd then calmed down, and they started going back to their classes peacefully, god that was just the drama I didn't expect to see.

"Well that was intense." I looked up at him. "Yeah-"

When the hell did he get so close?

I felt my face went as red as a tomato as I brought my hand up to my mouth, stiffling a cough.

"Um- Kaminari?"

"Yeah?" I pointed to him and me and tried to look at anything but him. "A bit close here."

His eyes widened in realization and he backed up with the speed of lightning.


I cleared my throat and waved my hand dismissing. "N-no, it's fine."

Then awkward silence, complete silence.

He broke the silence first, scratching the back of his neck. "We should um, get back to class."

"Yeah, good idea." I stomped as fast as I could in front of him, ignoring his consistant mumbles of, 'I was that close with a girl'

This.. is embarassing.

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