• shazam partner •

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So, like All Might paired all of us up and what-not, right? Yeah, guess who this basic ass old man paired me up with

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So, like All Might paired all of us up and what-not, right? Yeah, guess who this basic ass old man paired me up with. Yeah.

The lightning guy. Kaminari.

Like- you can't give me a better partner to deal with? No hate, but I was hoping for someone with a, I don't know, a different quirk? He just had to be boring and gave me the most uncreative pairing ever.

I sighed in defeat, oh well, this might be his way of doing his revenge, damn you grandfather.

I looked at the building in front of me with a bored expression, who am I going against with? I absolutely forgot.

"You don't look too happy." I looked over my shoulder at him with a 'you think?' look and just shook my head. "It's not that I was just hoping.."

"That you'd get someone with a different quirk?" I smacked my lips, nodding. "Yeah, that."

He nodded his head again, but one second later, it's as if there's a literal lightbulb on top of his head, I looked at him curiously. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Hey, we both have quirks that works with each other right? You control electricity and I make lightning."

I crossed my arms, slightly brushing my wooden katana, and nodding. "Yeah, obviously."

"Then let's just use the opportunity to finish the battle in a second!"

"By you giving me the electricity, and I'll higher the voltage so we'll electrocute them till they lose?" He nodded excitedly.

I closed my mouth shut, it's a really good idea, but I've thought about it minutes before we reached the building, this is EXACTLY what makes it boring.

What's a fight that only lasts like.. ten seconds?

But, since I decided to not be a bitch today, I nodded at his idea.

"I mean yeah, that could work."

"Great! So do we go in now?"

I frowned. "No? Why should we? Just give me the highest voltage you could reach and we'll do it from out here."

"What?" I sighed, oh boy.

"I can just electrocute this whole building, we won't even have to go in. We'll electrocute them first, and once we're sure they're out, we'll take their nuclear bomb thingy."

"You can electrocute an entire building?" He asked with a glint of amaze in his eyes. I shrugged, nodding slightly. "My grandfather has a harsh way in training people. Now, let's do it already."

I have my hand on the building's wall, and waited for the electricity to come, it never did though. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked back, seeing Kaminari looking a bit flustered.

"What's the problem?"

He scratched the back awkwardly, speaking in a very small voice. "Where do I um.. touch..?"

I raised my eyebrows, really? I sighed for the who knows how many time it is today, and lend out my hand, he looked at it as if it's the most unknown thing in the world.

"You mean I could just.. touch your hand?"

"Obviously, what never touched a woman's hand before?" He shook his head, well that's sad, but I nodded eitherway. "Makes sense seeing that you hang out with Mineta."

"Hey, he's not that bad.."

"Says the guy, now hurry up, I don't want to waste my precious time."

He rolled his eyes. "Alright alright."

He slowly landed his hands on mine, and surprisingly it's soft, a bit warm kind of. "Here I go?"

In a split second, a swarm of electricity coursed through my body, but.. not like it usually does, it feels a bit.. warmer.

I frowned, trying to process the feeling. It feels like the electricity is dancing in my veins, and my body welcomes the feeling very nicely.

Now what the actual fu-

"Eshima, you good?"

I snapped my head towards the guy still holding my hand, not wanting the feeling to go away, I slightly grip onto his hands, trying to make it not obvious and nod.

"Yeah.. oh right, um.." I focused some of the energy right up to my palm, making sure it's not too much, we don't want anyone dying, and let it out in one push.

Instantly we could see the building surrounded by currents, and a second later the screams of two girls. After only five seconds, I took back the electricity through my palms, and feel it just stays in there before dying out.

But the feeling is still there.

"Hey Eshima?" I hummed. "You're.. um, still holding my hand?"

I looked down to our hands which are slightly intertwined before pulling it away embarassed. "Right, forgot about that."

Awkward silence, very awkward silence.

"Uh.. that was a cool collaboration?" I looked at him and nodded once. "I guess it was."

"Why did you froze?" I thought about it for a second, not exactly knowing the answer for that question.

"I guess it just feels different when a person gives you the electricity."

He nodded again, this time he held his  hands up, looking like he's asking for a high five. "Well whatever that was, it was still a good fight."

I looked at his palm and then at his face before giving him a small genuine smile. Clapping my hand with his. "Yeah, good fight."

Making sure to let go this time, I cleared my throat before pointing towards the entrance.

"We should go take the bomb now."

"Oh, right."

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