He is at the beach. It's peaceful. For the first time in his life, he is liking the peaceful atmosphere. He doesn't know what happened to him. He just can't stop thinking about her. "Let's go. That's better," he turned around to Jimin. "He is on the phone with a girl, look at him. Hahaha, such a flirt. WHAT?! OMG! IS THIS TRUE?! IS THAT HER?!" He rubbed his eyes. "YEAH, IT'S TRUE! THAT IS HER! OMG, WOW..." he started clapping and dancing. "Jimin, Jimin, let's go to the restaurant, come on," Jungkook grabbed Jimin's tiny hand and pulled him quickly. "Wait, bro," he struggled to cut the phone. "Please leave my hands. It's hurting." Jungkook came alive again and threw Jimin's hands. "What is the problem? Huh?" Jimin asked with a cute angry face. "The girl I talked about... she is in the restaurant. I saw her, let's go," he couldn't control his excitement.

They entered the restaurant, and everyone was looking at them. It was kind of weird and felt awkward.

"What happened to them? Are they not working? What's going on? Who is there? Let me see. OMG! Is that the boy I met before? Yeah, yeah, the son of Jeon Bang?! What should I do? Let's hide somewhere," memories hit Y/N, and now she was panicking so much. "Oh my god, he is so handsome," the girl next to her said. "That's the son of Jeon Bang?" another girl whispered. "OMG, yes, that is him!" she screamed. Every waiter ran towards him. Some of them were putting on lipstick. Someone was opening her hair. Someone was pulling her skirts up. "Am I the only one who is left here? What's wrong with them?" Y/N asked herself. It's a crowd in front of him. "Can you guys move a little?" he said politely, but no one heard him. "HELLO! CAN YOU GUYS MOVE?!" he yelled with an angry face. Everyone snapped back to reality and moved with disappointed faces. "And you," he pointed at Y/N. "Me?" she asked him. He nodded. 'Omg, what should I do!! But I am not scared. I only fight because of his fault.' But you act cool and walk to him. "Yes, sir, how can I help you?" Jimin looked at J.K and made an 'Is that she?' expression, and J.K nodded. Jimin made a nice choice and 'All the best' expression. "What is the most expensive food on the menu?" he asked Y/N with a smirk. "Oh, it's the golden beef steak, sir," you said. "Two golden steaks, and what is your sweet name?" he asked Y/N, and Jimin was shocked at the same time. "Um... Y/N... Yes! Y/N," you said, trying to sound unafraid. "Oh, really nice... I liked it..." You just didn't say anything and walked off to tell the chef to prepare two golden steaks. Finally, I am free. "Y/N!" he screamed from the table. You took a deep breath and faked a smile. "Yeah... Sir?" you said. "One can of Coca Cola," he said with a smile, but you were shocked because the Coca Cola was downstairs.

You took one can and gave it to him, and he drank the whole can like water. "One more Coca Cola, please..." he said. Your eyes almost popped out, but you smiled with a death glare and took the Coca Cola and gave it to him. "Wait here... I am not done... One more," he said when you were about to leave. It was the 7th time he had repeated this. You were tired, and you were about to collapse. "One- THE GOLDEN BEEF STEAK!" Y/N ran downstairs in happiness. You gave him his food and were about to leave. "Don't go! Wait!" he said. You stopped. You were trying your best not to punch him. Jimin was eating, but J.K was staring at you. You didn't like it at all. You gave him a death glare, but he didn't care. "I am done," Jimin said. "Then let's go. Y/N, eat this steak. You look tired and hungry," he said with a smirk. Now you wanted to kill him. "No, thank you... I already have my meal..." you rolled your eyes. "Okay, there is no problem to get another meal... You look weak,"He smirk again  "noo sir i am good " You said with obvious fake smile " By the way don't call me sir... Call me jungkook Or jaykay"
He said while standing up. He come close to you and whisper "see you soon" And wink "I wish never " You said inside

"It's 1 am and this boy still hasn't come back. I am so done. He should be more mature. I tried a hundred ways to make him mature. He's probably in a bar," Namjoon said while walking across the wall. "I shouldn't be that angry. And I have to make him realize what he did today. Is that the sound of a car? Did he come back? Thank god. Let's get ready, Namjoon, to carry your drunk brother."
He prepared himself and went outside.
"WHAT?!! Is that true?! He's not drunk or am I drunk? What's going on?"
"Thank you very much," Namjoon ran and hugged Jungkook. "Why?!" Jungkook said politely. "In the past seven years, I've never seen you coming home without getting drunk. I am proud of you." Namjoon is looking like a baby. Jungkook can't control his laughter; he's never seen Namjoon this happy and silly.

"WHAT?! He smiled at me, really, to me? Wow, I don't know what happened. Is he sick or something?" Namjoon can't believe his eyes. Jungkook leaves and goes inside.

"Finally, I think my advice worked. Finally, God listened to me. Let's dance," he said and starts dancing. "Are you okay, sir? What happened to both of you siblings? Hahaha," Jimin starts laughing. "I am okay." He switches to mature mode in 0.5 seconds. "Okay, bye, good night," Namjoon said and walks inside. "Wait, I'm not going now. I'm not done," Jimin said and follows Namjoon. "But I am," Namjoon said and walks in. "Wait..." He runs inside with Namjoon.

Jungkook goes to his room, changes clothes, and wears comfy clothes, ready to go to bed.

"It's a great day," he blushes. "No... really great day," he blushes again. "The greatest day in my life," blushing and suddenly laughing, he falls down on the bed and laughs out loud, feeling hard to breathe. "Okay, JK, calm down. Okay, but she is cute. Aww, her face after my wink. My God -" Jimin suddenly opens the door. "Knock before entering the room," Jungkook scolds. "Hahhaa, but I came to tell you that... why did you do all this? Actually, if you're not in love? And a very important thing, did you stop drinking?" Jimin said. "First thing, I didn't stop drinking. I just didn't feel like drinking today. The second thing, I keep teasing her because if I don't, she'll leave, and I don't want th-" "And why... why..." Jimin cuts him off in excitement. "Cause I want to see her, I don't know, but I love to see her face," he said casually. "Bruh... that's called love. You're in love, congratulations!" Jimin gives him a handshake offer but gets rejected. "No, I am not... I could never fall in love," he said as if he is so proud. "Are you sure?" Jimin looks at him. Jungkook refuses to look back at him. "Maybe," Jungkook looks away. "Maybe?" Jimin forces him to look at him. "I mean yes, but not yes. Please leave me alone!" Jungkook pushes Jimin out. "Okay, okay." He is about to leave. "Wait, can you help me please?" Jungkook said while scratching his neck. "WHAT?! WTF! YOU JUST REQUESTED!! OMG!! In our 15 years of friendship, you never ever did this," Jimin acts like he won the lottery. "Jimin!" Jungkook rolls his eyes. "God, I am feeling blessed. My ears are blessed," he acts even more. "Jimin, you've got no jams!" Jungkook said. "No!!!" Jimin cried. "Then listen to me," Jungkook said. Jimin nods. "Can you try to get some information about her, like where is she from? What is she doing? Married? Family background?" he said. "I understand it's not a big deal. Do you remember when I went to the bathroom when you were teasing YN? I just made a girl fall in love with me. She is very close to YN. I knew it would help you," Jungkook's jaw drops. "What? Just in 10 minutes, you got a girl? Wtf." "Yes," Jimin said with a proud smile. "Um, then, also ask her about YN's likes and dislikes? Favorite food? Favorite flowers? Favorite artist? Her hobbies, like everything," he said. "Oh my god, you're such a romantic guy. I thought you're anti-romantic. And don't worry, I will gather all the information," Jimin said. "Thank you, man." He hugs Jimin, "Omg, I can't stand this anymore. My monster is saying sorry and thank you. I am dead. I heard love changes people, but today I saw it," fake dramatic tears come out. "LEAVE!!" JK pushes him out and closes the door. "LISTEN EVERYONE, ALL OF SEOUL, MY MONSTER IS IN LOVE! YES!!" He shouts out, "You better stop and leave before I open the door again." No response comes.

"I think he left... thank god, now I am free. Now I can think about YN peacefully. Let's listen to some songs." He listens to some music. "I want to go out because I feel like I want to watch the moon, but I don't know why. Damn, even I can see her in the moon. Am I in love? Should I fall in love?" He asks the moon. "YES, I DO FALL IN LOVE! YES, I AM IN LOVE!!!!...!!" he screams with all his energy, falling down on his knees. "YES! I AM IN LOVE...!!! WITH YN!!! YES, I AM IN LOVE...!!!"

~ thank you for reading pls vote and I am sorry for this short chapter~

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