"You're not hurt anywhere are you? I mean that big man did hit you pretty bad earlier, is it still hurting?" She asked worriedly.

"Oh, don't worry about this, I can handle myself. You should focus on yourself much more, what are you doing here in the alleys?"

"I was trying to familiarise myself to the District, the doctor said it would help me adjust to the world much faster than having to use a map. I went down to this alley because I thought this could be a shortcut to the school I went to." She explained bashfully. Her eyes dropped to the ground, refusing to look at Spidey's wide eyes.

It really stung the red boy's heart, considering he saved her but he tried to let it go. Although one phrase took his interest.

'Doctor said it would help me adjust to the world faster'

He only got this info from TV, but usually people who've been hospitalized for severe ailments and injuries have a tendency to lose their experience in dealing with the world.

"Oh! Was I not supposed to talk about that? Please, you must forget anything that I had said before!"

He was definitely curious with this girl. He opened his mouth to start a conversation with her when his senses picked up.

He felt spacetime ripping apart as something travelled beyond the normal 3 dimensions. Almost as if...

"A teleporter," he said aloud, confusing the girl. "Did you cal Judgement?"

"N-No, I don't have my phone with me. What's going on?"

"Uh well, I thinkIgottagonowbuhbye!" He hurriedly said as he leaped away from the alley. And not a second later someone appeared out of thin air.

"This is Judgement! We've heard calls of distress from this area, surrender peacefully or-"

The Teleporter started to say but she stopped herself. She saw that the thugs were already dealt with, wrapped in a white rope.

"Again, he is so elusive. One second early and I coulda..." she muttered to herself when she heard shuffling behind her. She quickly teleported away, her nails in hand as she prepared to fight-

Wait a minute, this person doesn't look like they belonged in a SkillOut gang. Their feminine face, sailor fuku and petite figure saw to that. And she looked shocked at the scene.

"Y-You must be J-Judgement. Wow, i-it's an honor to meet you Ms. Judgement." The girl said as she bowed respectfully.

Shirai noticed that she looked to be around the same age as her partner Uiharu, her young face and figure almost a dead ringer to the flowerbed-wearing girl.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Your head hurting a lot?" She said to the girl, a commanding tone to her voice.

The girl stood up, only to wince slightly. Shirai looked down and noticed a slight trickle of blood coming down from her left leg.

"Please sit down maam, I will take care of that."

"N-No need, I-I can handle it."

"I insist, please."

After a brief argumentative look the girl sat down in a nearby crate, without a word.

Shirai picked into her pockets, and removed from her right pocket a miniature first aid kit for minor to moderate injuries. All Judgement officers are required to carry one at all times to reduce the chances of infection from wounds as well as for community service (treating small wounds for young children playing in the park).

"Man you should've seen the guy who saved me. He was like, "HYAAH!" and "POW-OWWWW!!" The girl told her story about what happened, unprompted, before she yelped in pain from the antiseptic.

A Certain Misfortunate SpiderWhere stories live. Discover now