Chapter 63 - Bear-san Goes To The Castle

Start from the beginning

Shia handled the hanging cheese beautifully and ate it in one bite.

「.........It's delicious.」

「Good! If everyone wants, I will bake some more.」

「I want to eat a little more.」

「Me too.」

「Me too, please.」

Answering the requests, I baked another pizza.
There wasn't a variety of ingredients. That was rather sad.
I baked the same one as before.

「Be careful and don't burn yourself.」

The three of them vigorously responded 『yes』 and began eating.
Two large pizzas disappeared beautifully into four bellies.
In the end, our stomachs were nearly bursting.
I think I will make them a little smaller next time.
The next morning, Eleanora-san came to the Bear House.

「Hello. What made you come here so early in the morning?」

「I came to see your house and eat the pizza I heard about from my daughters.」

「It's not really a meal you eat first thing in the morning.」

「Is that so?」

「There may be people who do, but you normally don't.」

If you ate it in the morning, your stomach wouldn't hold.

「Then, I will have to eat it for lunch.」

It will become two consecutive days of pizza...

「You want to eat it that badly?」

「Yesterday, my daughters didn't eat dinner. When I cornered them with questions, they said that they ate a really delicious meal called pizza at Yuna-chan's place. They talked about it with really happy faces...The fact that I was the only one who couldn't eat it really frustrates me.」

「Haa. Understood. Then, I will make it for lunch.」

「Really? Thank you. It's not really a thank you, but I will show you around the castle.」

「The castle?」

「Yes. Last time, Fina-chan said she wanted to see the interior of the castle. However, fundamentally, unauthorized people cannot enter it. If I am present though, it's another story. You will be granted access. That's why, if I let you visit the castle now, we can eat pizza at lunch time.」

That's right. The chance to tour the interior of the castle was not an opportunity that would present itself very often.
Also, I knew that Fina wanted to see it. I decided to accept this idea.

「Then, I want to finish the preparations. Let's go?」

That was why we came to the castle.
An enormous building that towered over its surroundings was right in front of me.
Two soldiers holding large lances stood in front of the entrance.
Stressed, Fina held my hand.
First of all, was it okay for me to enter with this kind of appearance?
If they stopped me at the entrance, I would just have to go back alone.

「Eleanora-sama, good morning. Who might this person be?」

「It's my guest. I wanted them to see the interior of the palace. Is that a problem?」

Eleanora-san said to the soldiers with an overpowering feeling.

「No, not at all. It's just my job to confirm the facts. Please, enter.」

The soldier saluted and let us enter.
Was that okay?

「Do the two of you have something you want to see in particular?」

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