38. On The Way

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Which was a good thing, because soon my phone pinged again. 

Madi: Sorry about that last text 😳

And, my shy Madi is back!

Me: You never have to be embarrassed in front of me. And yes, I am yours to do whatever you want 🤭

Two minutes later she texted again.

Madi: In that case, I really want to... 🙈 🙈🙈

My fingers were already flying over my phone's screen.

Me: Really want to what??? Madi A. Omar you've got to start finishing your sentences!!

Madi: Come home to me first Omar Khan. Then I'll finish it. 

Torture. That is what this was. An exquisite form of torture, to be bound to the woman of your dreams in holy matrimony yet experience the ache of yearning, to feel her words caress your skin yet not be able to feel her. 

After finally reaching the gate my plane was supposed to take off from, I asked the lone gate agent, "How much longer till the plane takes off?"

He raised an eyebrow, everyone seemed to be doing that today. "Bhai sahaab, abhi tou boarding ko teen ghante baaki hain. Aap airport bohat jaldi aagayein hain." (Oh brother, there are still 3 hours left till boarding. You've reached the airport early.)

"Fite mun," I muttered and sunk into a nearby seat. 


Several hours had passed since the exchange of text messages, yet as I lay in bed that morning, a lingering warmth in my cheeks betrayed the aftermath. Try as I might, I could not stop imaging how his hands would feel on my skin, igniting every inch of me with his heated touch. The taste of his mouth, the caress of his lips on mine - these thoughts consumed me. I may not be the prettiest woman out there, but he made me feel seen and desirable, which made me crave his presence even more.

What's happening to me?  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It felt as if a floodgate had burst open, unleashing every desire I had suppressed over the past six months all at once.

Yet, there were 10 hours remaining until his arrival at Chicago O'Hare, during which I still had a job to do on the inpatient service. 

Dragging myself out of bed, the only solace I found was that 1) this marked my final day as a resident, and 2) I had an entire week off ahead. But once again, in the early morning stillness, my thoughts veered into the realm of late-night fantasies - images of warm embraces and sensual caresses.

"Oh, come on, Madi. Pull yourself together," I scolded, splashing water on my face.

There was even a Rukhsati to attend before nightfall.


Maliha: Ami wants to call the next door neighbor as well. She promises its the last family she'll invite. 

Maliha's text made me want to pull my hair out in the middle of rounds. In classic desi fashion, my parents initially planned a guest list for 20 people, but it ballooned to three times that number. I almost declined to participate in my own Rukhsati, considering the COVID situation, but the spacious open air setting at one of the botanical gardens saved the day. With the help of my 'girl squad' and the men in their lives plus my brother, tables were once again placed strategically to ensure each family could sit separately, maintaining a safe social distance.

We were playing with fire, though. There was more and more data coming out that the even open air spaces were not safe. I couldn't imagine the embarrassment if someone caught COVID at the wedding of two doctors. 

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