Chapter 57 - Bear-san Goes to the Royal Capital's Commerce Guild

Magsimula sa umpisa

「To look for an inn.」

「An inn? Why? It's fine if you stay here until the end of the birthday festival.」

「For some reason, it seems that a commoner like me cannot calm down inside an aristocrat's house.」

「However, I think that will be impossible. Thanks to the birthday festival, there is a huge influx of people here, so I think the inns will be overflowing.」

The birthday festival, huh?
The inns are definitely impossible, huh?
In that case, it's a little earlier than planned, but should I find a house to install a Bear Gate in?

「That's all right, because there is still an alternative.」

「I see. Still, it's fine for you to stay in this house for as long as you like. Cliff also wrote as much.」

Fina and I, who had finished eating breakfast, went outside.
While we were in the middle of eating breakfast, the sisters, Noa and Shia, didn't wake up at all.
For Noa, it was probably the first chance to sleep in late after a long time.
After all, during the trip we had always departed at sunrise.

While wandering around the Royal Capital, we visited several inns.
I forgot while I was in the town of Crimonia, but my bear appearance is really eye-catching.
Any person we passed turned to look at me, without fail.
Then, without fail; 「It's a bear.」 「A bear?」 「Cute.」 「What's that?」 「It's a bear-san.」
Such statements were heard.

「Fina, sorry about this, I'm standing out quite a bit.」

「It's all right, I'm used to it.」

Smiling and telling me that you've become used to it doesn't make me happy though.
We explored the Royal Capital while I worried about the stares.
As Eleanora-san had said, no matter where we looked, the inns were full.
For the sake of carrying out the next plan, I headed to the Commerce Guild.
I didn't know where it was located, so I asked for the location at the last inn and headed in that direction.

In comparison to the one in Crimonia, the size of the Royal Capital's Commerce Guild was unbelievably massive.
There were a lot of people entering and leaving.
I entered the Commerce Guild and looked for a receptionist.
It sure is crowded in here.
However, there was also a considerable number of receptionists.
Erm, what should I do?
I glanced around.
Apparently, you picked up a number ticket and went to the reception counter when your number was called.
I lined up where they were distributing numbered tickets and received one.
Naturally, I was also the center of attention when I lined up.
If it were Japan, it would probably be similar to lining up in pajamas.
I couldn't help being conspicuous.

I received ticket number 213.
At the moment, they were calling number 178.
It seemed as though it would take some time for my turn to arrive, as there were only seven receptionists.
To my surprise, it seemed that the numbers were called rather quickly.
After we waited for 30 minutes, our number was called.

「Welcome. What kind of business brings you here today?」

The receptionist's smile disappeared for an instant upon seeing my appearance, but it returned quickly.
As expected of the receptionists of the Royal Capital.
They didn't judge people by their appearances.
However, I wasn't sure what was going on inside her head.

「I want to buy land in the Royal Capital, is it possible to do so?」

「Excuse me, but do you have a guild card? 」

I handed over the guild card.

「Please wait just a moment.」

The guild card was placed on the crystal plate.

Kuma Kuma Kuma BearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon