Chapter 55 - Bear-san Arrives At The Royal Capital!

Start from the beginning

Naturally, I had no objections to Marina's explanation.
It was troublesome, but I decided to transport the group of thieves to the Royal Capital.

「Now then, since our future actions have been decided, let's sleep. It's still dark.」

It was still late at night. Usually, at this time, we would be in dreamland.

「You can sleep in this situation?」

「With this many thieves nearby, I don't feel like sleeping at all.」

「Me neither.」

「Yuna-san, I also cannot sleep.」

「Big Sis Yuna...」

「As expected, even we are unable to sleep.」

There wasn't a single person who approved of my proposal to sleep.
Although everyone said that they couldn't sleep, they would still end up sleeping next to these thieves tomorrow.
In addition, even if they said they couldn't sleep, there were still many hours until daybreak.

「In that case, should we depart instead?」


「I feel a bit sorry for the horses, but since even those like us are unable to sleep, let's have them do their best. If they get tired along the way, it will be fine to let them rest.」

At those words, everyone began packing up the camp.
Are you all serious?

In the end, in spite of it being in the middle of the night, we decided to depart for the Royal Capital.
Well, I could just sleep on top of the bear, though.

After we departed, at around sunrise, we decided to have breakfast, for the sake of also giving the horses a break.
At that point, the thieves started to raise a commotion.

「You ought to send us food too, you bastards!」

「That's right! That's right!」

「You won't die if you don't eat for a few days.」

「Don't screw around with us!」

I sprayed water on the noisy thieves to shut them up.
By the way, I had confiscated all of the item bags the thieves were carrying.
Even if there had been food inside, they wouldn't be able to eat it.
Those who were able to use magic were only able to summon water.
The thieves gradually began to weaken.
This was nothing though, when compared to the terrible acts the Zamon bandit corps had committed.

At noon, three days after I hunted down the thieves, we could finally see the walls surrounding the Royal Capital.
Numerous wagons and carriages converged from the various roads that led to the Royal Capital.
On this occasion, the bear golem, summoned bears, and thieves attracted many curious looks.
As we neared the Royal Capital's gate, several soldiers, who had been guarding the gate, rushed over.

「Hey, what's this?」

A gate guard questioned us.
The person who was chosen to deal with the gate guards was Gran.
I thought that an explanation from an aristocrat, rather than an adventurer, was more likely to be accepted, so Gran presented himself.

「We are Gran Faren Gramm, the earl! This is the Zamon group of thieves. We captured them when they attacked us. That bear over there is the product of this young lady's magic.」

Gran explained about the thieves and the bear golem.

「Furan Gram-sama, is it? I deeply apologize for this incident. I am Zell, the vice-commander of the 15th Company in the Royal Capital.」

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