Act 25: Tightrope With You:

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"Never sure... Will you catch me if I should fall?"

Amelia was spinning, until she lost her grip on the ribbon, causing her to fall, but there were some people to catch her. They put her down, when she continued, pretending that it was all part of the act. 

But Amelia was having trouble with her father's tour. She kept watching her sisters miss him and the sad look that seemed to stay on her mother's face.

Charity was setting the table when she sighed to herself. She did not put a place mat in Phineas's seat but in the other chairs. She was having dinner with her girls, Anne, W.D., Lettie, Tom, and Phillip. She would have hosted a few people, but it was just a dinner with friends since Phineas was still on tour. 

"Let me help you with that." Phillip smiled as he brought over some glasses, with Helen following behind him, carrying napkins.  

"Thank you." Charity smiled when Amelia glanced at him through the door. 

"He's dreamy..." Lettie smirked, nudging Amelia's arm. 

"And helpful." Caroline giggled, making Lettie, Anne, and Amelia laugh.

"He's also crazy about you... You just won't give it a chance." Anne said, walking over to bring a plate out for the table. 

Before Amelia could say anything, they all turned to see Charity, who dropped a plate, making it break. "Mom?" Amelia rushed over, while Phillip bent down to help Charity pick it up. 

"It's just a plate, Mimi. It's okay." Charity lied, knowing that she was thinking about Phineas.

The next night, the performance at the circus ended, when Phillip walked out, reaching for Amelia's hand as he did every performance. Caroline and Helen walked over a bouquet to her, but Phillip watched her. 

She was watching the rioters who were booing from the crowd. This made her grip on Phillip's hand, tighter. 

They had been getting worse as the show continued, and it frightened her.

"Well, it's all an adventure. That comes with a breathtakin' view. Walkin' a tightrope... with you."

~337 words~

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