First Day School Fight

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Earlier that day


The room was dark. The sun had not yet bled through the horizon. It was too early for that. Sparrow's mind was too awake to attempt to go back to sleep. My mind is still wired for early boxing classes, she thought. She shifted until she was sitting on her purple sheeted bed, eyes still adjusting to the dark. She looked at her clock. It's red numbers glaring at her in the dark.

"5:00, plenty of time to practice on my punching bag before I get ready for school," she murmured.

She stood up and stretched. a few pops in her back sounded before she walked over to her door and flicked on the lights. The room was flooded with light. She blinked, adjusting to it after having been in the dark. It was a small room, her twin sized bed taking up a good portion of it. A desk with a laptop and a lamp was on the other side of it. A oval shaped blue rug adorned the wooden floor.

A black punching bag was at the foot of her bed. Beside her desk was a closet. She pulled the closet doors open. She grabbed her plain black backpack from where it was hanging and set it on the ground. She clipped on a green flashlight keychain to it before unzipping the biggest pocket to make sure that she had everything. Two new notebooks, one purple one red, a three ring binder with lined paper in it, and the school issued laptop.

She grabbed a box of sharpies and pencils before shoving it in the backpack. She zipped it back up. She unzipped the last pocket, making sure the small first aid kit her father made her take to school was in there. She zipped it up. Cool. All packed. She stood up and grabbed a pair of red and blue fingerless gloves made for boxing. She slipped them on. She clenched and unclenched her hands, getting a feel for their familiar texture on her hands.

Sparrow walked over to the heavy bag and slipped into a fighter's stance. The smell of the gym and on her leather gloves brought back memories of sweaty workouts with her mother when she was a little girl. She could hear the deep timbre of her voice, calling her to punch harder, kick faster. She had learned quickly, beating her brother at sparring in both speed and form. Scott never won a match with Sparrow again.

Sparrow's warm up was interrupted by her alarm clock. She had been doing a fast speed bag drill when it went off. She sighed, taking off the gloves, reaching over to the clock to turn off her alarm. She stood up, the metal clinking on the wood floor. It was already 6:00. She stretched, yawning and kicking off the floor. Sparrow reached up to her shelf and grabbed her red hoodie, which was from her first day of junior boxing. She yanked it over her tank top.

"I'll deal with my hair later, I want to get this last part of my life settled before the first day of school," she said to herself.

She grabbed her backpack and pored out of her room, stairs flying behind her. She slowed down when she reached the kitchen. She opened the fridge, grabbing a plastic container of left over pizza. She sat down at the tiny kitchen table, popping the lid off the container. The scent of meat sauce entered her lungs. She ate with her fingers, mopping up the sauce from the cardboard container with a slice of bread. She swallowed the last bit of pizza in her mouth before wiping her hands off on a napkin and putting the dirty container in the sink. She took a quick shower before dawning her red hoodie once more. She grabbed her backpack and headed to her front door. She opened the door, stepping out into the chilly morning air.

She looked once more at the empty house. She felt a pang of sadness on how empty it was now that Scott and her mom were gone. She closed the door and locked it. At least she had her father, even though he was really busy with work being a anesthesiologist. First day at high school and the rest of her life. She walked down the sidewalk, passing houses as she went.

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