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Authors Note: funny enough I have the final chapter of this story written. I just need to fill in the blanks. I've been a bit unmotivated for this story lately, so not sure if people will be happy with the ending but it was the ending all along.

Colson POV

It is was strange being back here, especially with Danny. We'd landed in Cleveland and we both gravitated towards a taxi, one thing in mind. We went home. Block by block the city got worse, it went from townhouse, to townhouse and tons of families, to townhouses in ruins and addicts, and to just ruins.

"This is it." Danny handed the guy the money as he stopped, we both climbed out and just stood there for a moment. Her heels clicked against the destroyed street, hands in her pockets. She stopped at what was left of her childhood home. The steps truly the only thing recognizable. "Strange to think right?"

"Yeah." I mumbled, standing beside her, mirroring her posture. "This used to be home." She nodded, cautiously stepping forward towards the steps, brushing her hand on the wood, the very spot her mother laid dead all those years ago.

"Part of me misses this you know? The innocence we had. We aren't them anymore Colson. Far fucking from it." My silence was only an answer in agreement, we both moved to sit on the steps, Danny resting her elbows on her knees.

"I remember all the time we spent here. That shitty mattress, but it was ours. I checked out my dad's house a few years back, it's a playground now. Funny how shit works." I dug in my pocket for my blunt case. Lighting up once I had pulled one out.

"We'll never be them again."

"But we are them."

"You know I love you right?" Danny looked to me, a small smile crossed her lips.

"Yeah, and I love you."

"But you know this isn't going to work any more Colson. As much as we love each other. Colson Baker, MGK is in the public eye. Something I can't afford to do anymore, I belong behind the camera Col." She was right and I hated it. Danny in the lime light meant the ability to be followed and tracked. Hunted like prey. I simply nodded before she placed her head on my shoulder, my hand lacing with her's.

"And I can't lose you. Not again. So if it means I can't be with you as your partner anymore... Then I'd at least like to be your friend."

"I'd like that." She said very softly, lifting her head to show me a smile before putting it back on my shoulder. We sat there for awhile, just in that position and looking at the destroyed world around us. Danny and Colson died here in a way. Danny died long before she left this city. Colson died the day she left. We both stood after awhile, wandering down the street, both of us with our hands in our pockets. "You know, being MGK you could make a difference here Col."


"Film music videos here, unite the people." She laughed before shrugging. "Remind people about places like this, that they exist even when you try to ignore them." Danny only stopped to flag down a taxi, we both got in and it drove in silence.

"Ya know I got a potential movie gig. You think I should take it?" I looked to her, she nodded with a smile.

"Like I said, don't ever hide from the world. Give it hell whenever you can and where ever you can Col." Danny turned in her spot slightly, looking to me. "You know saw the way you looked at her."


"Megan." Daniella smiles, taking my hand and patting it between her own. "You should ask her out Colson."

"You think I've got a shot with Megan Fox?"

"She's divorced so yeah! Plus I just saw it...the spark Colson and it's worth a try."

"That wouldn't hurt you?" I mumbled and she shook her head.

"No, in fact it would make me extremely happy. Richard is in town of course. He's following us more than likely. I think it's best I go home. Back to Los Angeles where my work is and my whole life. If you asked me when we used to sit on that front porch if I would have toured the world with you I would have said yes a thousand times, but now? I can't party like you all or keep up. It's just not me anymore. Just like that boy back home isn't you. He's still part of you but so much more now." I nodded, taking in her word before kissing the back of her hand. If anyone had told me Daniella and I wouldn't be together for my entire life, I would have laughed at them, but now it was different.

Different worlds completely and they'd cross now and again of course. However they weren't in synch enough to exist together. The taxi stopped and Danny got out, heading into the venue, Sarah passing her a coffee and iPad as they walked. I walked by myself, giving a nod to the bad members as I shoved my headphones in and looked to my phone, scrolling through my contacts.

My thumb hovered over the name before taking a deep breath and pressing on call.


"H-Hey Megan. It's Colson, MGK. We met a few weeks ago and-."

"Yeah of course! I'm surprised you called."

"Surprised?! I'm surprised you answered. I was wondering, we'll be in New York and I'd love to take you on a date if you're in town or like just hangout." She laughed and I swore I knew she was smiling.

"I'll actually be in New York in a few days, I'd love to go out for a bite. Send me the hotel and we can meet somewhere."

"Send me yours I'll pick you up and we'll go to a spot I like."

"Perfect. Bye Colson."

"Bye Megan." I hung up and grinned, looking ahead to see Daniella smiling. Maybe this was the way it was supposed to play out all along.

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