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Daniella POV

Blood, it coated my fingers like sticky red glue, it was mine, I knew that much. I crawled, dragging my body to the darkest corner of the room.

"Where is the shipment." I was stopped when the weight of the man's shoe stepped on my already sprained, potentially broken ankle.

"I said I don't know!"

"Then what use are you to us? Bate for that husband, sorry ex husband of yours?" I scoffed,
Resting my head on the cold concrete in hopes to stop the pounding.

"If I'm no use then just kill me."

"What's the fun in that?" He moved his foot away, I could hear his steps moving towards the chair that sat along the side. "Daniella Montez. You know you can run from the name nor that level of authority. Your husband would kill any man or woman that looked at you wrong."

"Then you're in big fucking trouble." In a swift motion he grabbed my hair, yanking my head back from the ground so I'd look at him.

"No, you see, you take a man's queen and he's helpless. Like chess. The queen is everything to that game. Once she's gone the king panics. I'm going to break you into so many pieces and mail you to his door." The man smirked, his skin tanned from the sun, eyes a dark shade of brown. He was definitely Carlos Cortez, leader of the other cartel. I spit the blood in my mouth at his suit to which he jumped back. Snarling in anger as his foot connected with my ribs. He spoke Spanish to the man at the door before rushing out. Smart if he wanted to live knowing damn well Richard and his anger would find me.

Granted it been days, so it was only a matter of minutes before Satan himself was coming through that door. I heard a new set of foot steps, a chuckle filling the air.

"I remember you. I remember killing your unborn child. I remember digging in your back like a excavation site." I turned to my side, looking at the man, he'd always worn a mask and a doctor's coat.

"You can't take anything away from me this time. I have nothing to give." I coughed, blood pooling on the floor as it dripped from my lip. Yet a smirk crossed my lips as I saw a red dot on his forehead. "Looks like our times up doctor." It was nearly silent until he fell to the floor, a thump filling the room. All hell breaking loose as the sound of machine guns, handguns, and God only knows what else firing. I flinched to cover my ears, preserving at least one thing during the hell storm happening all around me.

"Time to fucking go sweetheart!" I heard Richard hollering as he got closer to the door. "Jesus Christ, James call Maria. We're bringing Danny home! Tell him to call the stickbug and yapper. They can sit with her." Richard slung the gun around his back as he crouched down beside me. I looked to Richard through my half shut eyes, groaning as he scooped me up. "Didn't I tell you never to talk back to them D?"

"That's the no fun." I grumbled, too weak to keep my head from falling on his shoulder.

"You're right. They'd have just killed you then and there." He rushed to the truck, sliding us both into the back before it sped off in a convoy of others. The building a blaze in a matter of seconds as I glanced to the window. "Colson and Sarah will be there waiting for you."

"They know?"

"Yeah. They know everything." He sighed, taking a towel from whoever was sitting in the front. He wiped off my face, looking over my body in a medical sense. "Obvious broken ankle. What else hurts?"

"My stomach. I dunno how many broken ribs I've gotten. Richard I can't do this anymore." Tears slid down my cheeks as I looked at him. "I want to live a normal life."

"Danny. The one way you do that is if you do what I said. New name, look, country, the whole nine yards." I nodded, resting my head once again on his shoulder. It wasn't an option. Colson couldn't change his life and run away with me. He was Machine Gun Kelly in the spot light and it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. "We're here." Richard scooped me out, carrying me inside my home, a new alarm system catching my eye and two very large guards at the door.

I could hear Sarah's gasp turning to sobs somewhere around me. I could smell Colson's cologne and weed reaching my senses. I tried to lift my head, yet it fell right back against Richard's shoulder as he climbed the stairs.

"I'm okay." I croaked in hopes that they could hear me. Believing me was a whole other story to say the least.

"You're okay." Richard whispered. "You're gonna wake up tomorrow feeling like shit, but best believe you're gonna be okay." Okay and safe were to very different things in this world. Something I didn't know if I would ever feel again.

I felt the comfort of my bed, Richard's foot steps going away as I struggled to open my eyes. Panic setting in as I tried to look around. The lack of familiar faces sending my heart to race in my chest.

"Rich, Cole, Sara...." I croaked, trying to force open my eyes more.

My bedroom felt like a hospital, Maria the doctor for the cartel was already shoving an IV in my arm and then bliss. I laid my head down, looking to my door. Colson hugging Sarah to him as she cried. My vision shifted to young Colson hugging me in the front door of that shit house in Cleveland. A smile crossed my lips as I closed my eyes. Silence was like a mistress, one I'd never get tired of as long as the underworld still saw me as Daniella Montez.

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