
15 1 4

Rule 1 Sexual References and Smut
These are teenagers / children guys , cmon

Rule 2 Hardcore Gore and Angst
Descriptive Gore and Angst isn't allowed as some people are uncomfortable with it

Rule 3 Relationships and Shipping
13-17 y/o are allowed to be in romantic relationships, anything younger (unless wanted romantic) are allowed to be in platonic relationships (:

Rule 4 Swearing
Censor your swear words (exceptions is the word hell)

Rule 5 Character Amount
You can have 2 children characters
3 worker characters
4 extra characters (ghosts, demons, angels, the house owner, etc.)

Rule 6 Reserved Time
2-5 days at max , maybe more if needed

Rule 7 Bullying / Discrimination
JOKE bullying is allowed as long as everyone knows it's a joke , discrimination IS NOT and NEVER WILL be allowed in any of my roleplays from creators , if it is THE CHARACTERS it is okay , just nothing overboard

Rule 8 Have Fun
Have fun with this! I actually like making mixtures of shows / books I've read , and making roleplays in other nations / countries

Tag 4 people !

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