Actually, I'm good...

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a/n: yo mortals! i know, amazing last line. this next part is inspired by many fanfics, but mostly by one called Who Is This Kid? it's in my reading list if you want to check it out- and a huge thanks if you're reading babes!

I heard Bruce, (who was gray hair, who was Hulk, who you do not want to piss off) walk out of the elevator. That made me cringe- I hated elevators. The two exchanged a few words, and then I saw Bruce begin walking to me in the corner of my eyes.

"Percy," he started. I still didn't meet his eyes, afraid of what I might see. Pity. I could hear it in his voice- he felt sorry for me. "You have to eat something."

"No, I don't." I responded sharply. I didn't want to be rude per say, but I'm sick of people telling me what I can and can't do.

"I've read your medical files; you haven't had a check- up since you were twelve."

"I've had more important things to do."

He looked at me skeptically- but my eyes never left the wall. Bruce tried to meet my eyes, "More important than your health?"

"Yes, now please, leave."

He started walking out the door when he turned around and said, "Today, in three hours. You're having a check- up." I looked up at him, but he cut me off before I could even start talking. "That wasn't a question, that's an order."

                                            -----TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY LOKI-----

Three hours later I entered the infirmary, still weak. And sure enough, there was Bruce; dressed in a white lab coat and his hair in its normal messy- neat kind of way. His glasses kept sliding to the top of his nose as he looked at the computer. Meanwhile, I had my hoodie on and long jeans, so he didn't see any scars. I was too weak to control The Mist to cover them up any longer, so I knelt my head down and put my hood up so he wouldn't see any on my face.

Without even looking up from the computer, he said. "Take off your hoodie, Percy." Shit. I didn't want to- he would see me for me. Pity me because of unlikely wounds. But slowly, I removed my hoodie. Still, without taking a glance he said, "And your tee shirt." Whatever. I thought. They were going to have to see them anyways, might as well get it over with. I took off my tee shirt and Bruce turned to me. "Percy!" he said, alarmed.

"Bruce!" I responded, trying to be funny.

"What happened?" he said, running over and examining my scars. He held my arm and I bit down on my lip. "These weren't here when you first had gotten here, yet they look like they've been on you for at least two weeks now." I winced at the thought of the battle, flashed playing in my head. When I was fighting a hellhound and another one came from behind and scratched me on my back- knocking me down. (a/n: sorry i'm so bad at action scenes have fun with these) When a demigod who had betrayed us tried stabbing me in the stomach, but I blocked it and it had hit my arm instead.

"They're from about a week ago," I responded trying to take the focus off of me. "So, what's in there?" I asked, pointing to a nearby cabinet.

"Unimportant right now, how'd you get that?" He asked, pointing to my stomach. The wound was clearly infected, which is expected when you get stabbed by a sword who has stabbed other people and has been on the ground many times. Ew, kind of gross when you say it out loud. Without waiting for my answer, he went over to one of his many drawers and pulling out supplies to try and clean any wounds that he could. "How'd you get that cut, Percy? Looks like it may be from a sword-"

"Unimportant." I quickly answered. "Where'd you get that from?" I said, pointing to a cut on his finger. It wasn't at all a cause for worry, I just needed to get the attention off of me. He looked at me as if to say Touché, but didn't want to come off as 'unprofessional'

"Ya know," he started making a giggling noise with his mouth. "Paper can be cruel sometimes." We both laughed at that, and he just did the basics. Y'know, check your breathing (which was a bit unsteady) your heartbeat, your blood pressure, (which was low because I haven't been eating) that kind of stuff. After the whole process he looked at me. "Percy, the best advice I could give you is to eat, a good meal, and then get as much sleep as you possibly can."

I looked at him, and then down at my feet. "I don't want to sleep, and I don't want to eat."

"Why?" he asked, too quickly- as if he'd been waiting to say it the whole time, which he probably had been. He was trying to be polite. I didn't want to tell him why though, so I just shrugged my shoulders, and he let it go. He didn't look happy about it, but he did. "Percy, you need nutrients to keep you alive. And sleep, trust me- if you just lay down and close your eyes and go to sleep, when you wake up- you'll eat." I sighed and protested- but he insisted.

Next thing I knew I was in my bed, spiraling into another dream. 

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