He's Finally Meeting Them... I Swear

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a/n: hello again demigods! yes i know, i've teased you mucho a lot with the titles, but he's finally meeting the avengers! no i like actually promise. don't believe me? mkay then you can read babes.

I looked up at them blankly. The Avengers? Why hadn't Thor or Loki told me? To be fair, we hadn't really kept in touch... Then, I remembered. Tony Stark was Iron Man. He funded The Avengers. Dam you Wise Girl- I need to stop thinking about her. She's gone, I keep on trying to tell myself. But it would be fun to piss them off, just a little bit.

"The Avenger- oh! You guys work for Tony Stark!"

American flag who I now recognized as Captain America looked at me, slightly lowering his guard.

"Uh- no. We work with Tony. We're a team here."

"Right... a team, you know I-"

Before I could say anything more Thor waltzed in munching on a Pop-Tart.

"Teammates! I see you've meet Perceus. Perceus, these are my friends. That's Steve, that's Clint, that's Bruce, and that's Natasha."

After Thor had convinced them that I wasn't dangerous, they each formally introduced themselves. Tony then walked in behind us. 

"Oh hey, what are you still doing here, Perce? I thought Thor here told ya to get back to bed."

Thor looked at me.

"I did... why are you here?"

What was I supposed to say? I was actually too weak to get up and go to a bed a few feet away because I haven't eaten in days and that hour probably of sleep that I got was the first I've had in forever. So, I did the only reasonable thing. Wait- scratch that. My reasonable is probably way, way different than your reasonable. I said absolutely nothing. Thor seemed to have gotten the message and helped me up. He led me to a room, which he told me would be mine. Why? I silently thought to myself. I didn't have anywhere to go but this... this wasn't home. Thor encouraged me to get some rest, which sounded really nice... but I didn't. I didn't need any more nightmares. He left me in the room, and I didn't say anything to him. He walked out silently, and I stared at an empty space on the wall while I waited for the room to stop spinning- a million thoughts running through my head.

                                                      -----TIME SKIP OF BLUE COOKIES-----

A few hours later, the man I now recognized as Steve came in with a plate of food. 

"Kid, you alright?"

He set the plate of food down on the nightstand. I was in the same position I'd been in for hours; knees pulled in tight to my chest, my eyes just barely noticeable as I was staring at the walls- never looking up or away from that one spot. My hoodie and jeans covered most of my scars up- there was still some that they haven't seen, (Curtsey of The Mist) but they will soon. (a/n: this next part is not true at all just needed it for story reason mk sorry to interrupt) The more time you spend around a demigod, the more clear- sighted you become. Steve sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You know, you can talk. It's not a crime here."

I still didn't say a word. I was afraid that if I did, I would let something slip. But I knew I would most likely have to talk eventually.

"I brought you some food, it's right here-"

"I'm not eating."

"Well, kid. You have to eat."

"No, I don't want to."

He looked at me with concern. 

"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude just, not hungry." That was a lie. I was starving- and there was food right there. I should take it. I told myself, but I was also- punishing myself? I didn't want to eat and that was okay because I didn't deserve to. But it was at that exact moment when I said 'not hungry' that my stomach let out a huge roar.

"Ya, somethings telling me otherwise." He pushed the plate of food in front of me. "Eat."

I looked up at him. There were dark circles under my eyelids, and my eyes were bloodshot. I had lost weight in the time that I hadn't eaten- and it was doing damage to me. I looked down at the plate of mac & cheese, and then looked back up at Steve. I simply shook my head and went back to staring at my wall. 

Steve, looking very defeated, took the plate away and went outside my room. One thing he did that really annoyed me though? He left the door open. I don't know if he did this on purpose so that I could hear him screaming, "BRUCE! GET DOWN HERE HE'S NOT EATING ANYTHING!" or...?

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