Pass The Blue Food Dye

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a/n: hello once again my amazing mortals. well, according to percy you're all demigods- but imma still call you mortals just to piss some of you off. so percy of me, i know. also, once again sorry not sorry for the short chapters! that's all, happy reading babes! 

When I got to the table, Tony and Clint were missing. "Hey, where are Tony and Clint?" I asked. Everyone at the table but Natasha looked around.

She held up a hand. "Wait for it-" She paused for a minute. "In three, two, ..." Just before she could possibly manage to say one Tony had burst into the room, his face covered in baby powder. We all started laughing, except Tony who was practically turning the powder on his face red with rage.

"WHERE. IS. BARTON." He said, smoke pouring out of his ears. (Not actually, that wouldn't be okay for Tony.) As if on cue, Clint walked out from the elevator and took a very dramatic, un- humble bow. (Yes, I know that's not a word but what am I supposed to say?) 

"Thank you, thank you. Now let us sit down and eat, fellow humans, half- humans, and gods." Even with powder all over his face, Tony sat down for dinner. He gave Clint a look and they seemed to have a telepathic conversation. I'll get you back. Tony probably was retaliating. Clint propped his feet up beneath the table and comfortably leaned back in his chair, his hands folded behind his head. Can't wait for it. 

We all started eating, and it was in pretty awkward silence. I didn't eat, just let the plate sit in front of me and fiddled with my thumbs underneath the table. Natasha finally spoke up and said, "So, Percy. You got any friends back at that camp of yours?" 

"Not as many as I used to. Only one now." I said calmy, still fiddling with my thumbs. That was Rachel. Chiron was more a mentor than a friend, and Will was nowhere to be found. Yes, I had ither friends other than Rachel, but she was the only one who came to mind. I knew what follow- up question they would ask. But I wasn't going to forget my friends, I would talk about them if asked- but not forget them.

"What happened? Did you guys get into a fight, or...?" Tony asked. He then shoved another forkful of chicken into his mouth. I felt all eyes on me, anticipating my answer. 

"No, they died." I said flatly.

Silence. Nothing more.

"I'm sorry." Natasha eventually said, once again breaking the loud silence. 

"It's okay." I said, never looking up from my thumbs. The conversation wasn't hard anymore. I felt at ease with my new family.

"How did they..."


The Avengers nodded, as if understanding. There was more silence until I broke it when I whispered to myself. "Yes!" I whisper- yelled.

"What?" Clint asked, looking down at my thumbs. 

"Oh, I just won my thumb- war against myself. It was a hard match, me's very good- but I'm better." This got the group to laugh, and we just kept talking- bits of powder falling off Tony's face every few seconds. I didn't eat anything that night, but nobody judged me- although Bruce gave me worried glances. Even if I wanted to eat; the food wasn't blue. Now everybody knows, things taste better when they're blue.

Uncharted Waters (Avengers & PJO/HoO Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora