Autumn Wish

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It was another ordinary night where stars just splattered beyond anyone's sight, the wind was gently embracing while grasses and daisies were drifting beneath their finger, beneath where Jason and Jennette laid now. The snow has been stopped from pouring, months has been passed and another days has elapsed and left. Wind was blowing the leaves which now slowly burnt to be yellow and brown, forcing them to leave the branches to be pale and white.

"Does them always this pretty?"

"Prettiest than ever."

Jennette just simply nodded, letting her eyes to search where the stars Jason mentioned. Jason would talked the whole night, telling Jennette the story about ancient Greek mythology while Jennette could only nodded, admiring his brown eyes which gleamed so prettily. They would stay until their hands froze, that the bugs finally has stopped from buzzing and the night slowly has struck to its midnight. Jason would walked her back, wishing her a good night only to meet her again in the afternoon while having a good lunch together. Jason would cooked in her kitchen, giggling over the fact that the woman who he knew for sure could ride a horse can't stopped crying while cutting the onion. Then Jennette would hit his back, ignoring all Jason's silly excuses he ever made while pouted. They ate the lunch while keep insisting who would do the dishes. It was only about the sun set that they would stopped for arguing, that Jason has to go home and they parted reluctantly.

Jennette liked to be here.

She liked the time she spent with Jason, the time where they always quarrelled about who cried more when they were cutting the onion, quarreling about whose dish was saltier or whose bread which burnt. 

She liked the time where Jason walked her back home, the time where they sat and admiring how pretty the star was, hands were brushing accidentally, that they would smiled awkwardly and blushed shyly.

She would be in her garden when Jason came, mud was still on her shoes while waving hands happily, making him slightly blushed and also giggled. Then in the night of the harvest festival, the fireworks would be ignited. Both were linking their hands, wishing a good life in their autumn time when Jason suddenly whispered to her ears, 

"Marry me, Jennette."

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