I know, I know.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry I promise not to kill myself for the rest of the day!"

I said my hands up in surrender.

"I think I need to put you on a leash!"he said shaking his head.

A leash! I am not a dog! Well maybe I do act like one but I am not a fucking dog! I've only bitten someone like ten times that still doesn't make me a dog.

I glared at him and freed myself from his grip, launching myself unto my bed and missing by 10 cm.

No, no someone get me out of this bitches head the second hand embarrassment is too much.

Kill me now please.

I heard a snort from Adam.

I didn't even bother to look up as I crawled under my bed, hoping the monster under it would eat me.

But sadly 🎶I'm friends with the monster who lives under my bed🎶

Bitch go to therapy.

"You're so fucking dramatic!"said Adam poking his head under my bed.

I punched him square in the nose and his head disappeared.

"Fuck!"he yelled.

Before I knew it I was being dragged from under my bed.

Ok you're really going to die now.

"Save me Monsty!"I yelled.

"Sorry bestie you're on your own!"

That fucking traitor!!!

The look on his face was the same as the last deadly yet super hot!

"Go ahead kill me, tell Leon he can have my socks and Kamie my entire fortune."

Bitch what fortune.

"God, you're annoying and if I kill you I won't get paid now will I !"

"Exactly bitch you have no choice but to put up with my bullshit, just like Leon and he earns over 12 million a year!"

"Well I guess he deserves it if he has to deal with you and who is Monsty!"

I chuckled and sat at my desk.

I had gotten a whole lot of  new messages.

We Live For Crack

My Boy Toy: Oh My God Jaida I met your new body guard two words FUCKING HOT.

My Boy Toy:You better not send this one packing, or imma drop kick your ass.


BestieKamie:OMG! Are we talking about the one I met at her dorm. HOW CAN A MAN BE SO FINEEEEE! EEEK. Plus he is a total gentleman.😍

Santa'sWhore:Who are we talking about?

My Boy Toy : Only the hottest guy in the world!☺

BitchyBoy:How can that be possible when I am alive.

BestieKamie: Please Teddy compared to him you're clam chowder.

Zizi:💀 what did I miss.

My Boy Toy:  A whole lot Z , Jaida send a picture already.
                    Me:First of all he is not a gentleman.
                    Me:Second of all he is not that fine.
                    Me:Teddy finer.

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