☆~Katsuki Bakugou~☆

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"UGH NEVER MIND. It's not like you'll believe me anyways." He said, annoyed. "Come with me. I guess you're gonna be staying with me for a while, might as well show you around."

He grabbed you by the hand, and lead you into the darkness.

His nails dug into your skin, they were fairly sharp. It was almost as if he were trying to emulate a Dragon's claws...

"So you aren't going to kill me?" You asked.

"No, why would I do that?" He simply responded. "That would start a war. And as much as I hate humans... I don't want that."

"Why don't you want that?"

"The humans severely outnumber us, not to mention they can use magic. We'd get completely wiped out." He explained.

"So why's it so dark here?" You asked, attempting to change the subject.

"There's a light coming up, be fucking patient."

Torches lit up the large upen area, there was a huge hole in the ground that looked like it went down forever...

"This is an abandoned mine." The King informed you. "We took it as our own, and reclaimed at least some of what the humans have taken from us."

There were so many Dragons... you've never seen this many.

A bunch of small ones flew towards you. You yelped, dropped to the ground, and covered your head as they swarmed you.

"Why are you so scared?" He asked. "They're literally babies, they're just excited to see a new face. They won't hurt you."

"Huh...?" You realized that they weren't trying to hurt you. They were just sorta crawling all over you, and making cute little baby lizard sounds.

"See? Harmless."

There was a loud call from deeper into the cave, and the little baby Dragons got off of you, flying off towards the source of the noise. One of them was flying off with your crown.

"H-hey wait, give that-!"

"Why do you need to wear a piece of metal on your head?" He asked you. "Seems uncomfortable."

"Well, it is, but-"

"You don't need it."

He continued leading you through the cave system.

"So, um... what's your name?" You asked.

"I was never given one." He told you. "The humans abandoned me. No one wanted me, so I wasn't given a name. I was left in the forest to die. That being said, though, you can call me Katsuki."

"Got it!" You had more questions, but decided not to ask them.

"So what should I call you." He demanded.


"You have a hearing problem or something?! I asked you for your name."

"O-oh, it's (Y/N) Todoroki." You nervously said.

"That's a... good... name." He said, sounding unsure of himself. "For a human, at least."

As you two would spend more time together, you would come to understand his strange point of view.

Before, you had believed that all Dragons were these mindless aggressive beasts... but they aren't. They're huge, and definitely look dangerous, but they're actually quite gentle.

"The only reason Dragons kill humans is because humans hunt them." Katsuki explained to you one day. "They only attack because they're threatened. And then the humans twist the story, and insist the Dragons attacked first. And as a result, Dragons are killed without reason."

"So how many are left?" You asked him. "How many Dragons are still alive?"

"The only surviving Dragons are the ones living in this mine." He told you. "That's why I do what I do. I want the humans to know the pain we've been put through all these years. And when the humans realize it's pointless to fight back... when they stop killing Dragons for no reason... that's when I'll stop destroying their cities."

One day, you woke up back home at the castle.

You ran downstairs to the large throne room, and you came across your father.

When you asked him why you were back home, well...

"I realized that this was our chance to take him by surprise. If he builds some kind of trust with you, he won't suspect an attack from us. I'm glad to say we've successfully eliminated all of the horrid Dragons in that cave, as well as their despisable King."

You ran back to your room the moment you heard that.

They're all dead. Those terrifying yet beautiful creatures are dead.

And... so is Katsuki.

You cried into your pillow that night, wishing things had been different.

But wishes don't change anything.

What happened had happened, and nothing would change that.

That night, you woke up to a horrible pain in your stomach.

You screamed out as you jolted awake, looking at the sword that had been stabbed into your guts.

You looked up to see who the culprit was, and you were shocked to see a familiar face.


"YOU SHUT UP!" He screamed at you. His face and chest were covered in dried blood, most likely his own, and tears were streaming down his extremely angry face. He was also missing an arm. "I TRUSTED YOU, YOU KNOW THAT?! AND YOU FUCKING BETRAYED ME! YOU KILLED MY ONLY FAMILY!"

"N-no, I-!" You tried to explain that it had been your father, and you hadn't wanted it to happen, but he twisted his sword, worsening your wound and causing you to scream out in pain again.

"DID IT MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?! DID YOU REALLY NEVER CARE?! YOU WERE JUST PRETENDING SO YOU COULD LOWER MY DEFENSES?!" He asked you. He ripped his sword out of you, and thrusted it downwards, creating another wound in your stomach. "I knew it was too good to be true. Why did I ever trust you...?"

"Katsu...ki... I-I'm sorry..." you managed to get out. "I'm so...rry I... c-couldn't stop... him..."

"Huh...? What the Hell... are you talking about?" He asked you.

"My f-father... he was... the one... I-I... didn't wa...nt this." You explained, starting to cry yourself.

You wanted to tell him how much you enjoyed your time with him and the Dragons.

It was probably the best thing that's ever happened to you.

But you would never get to.

You only hoped that... he understood... you never wanted this.

Soon after, you would see the Dragons once again.

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