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Present Day

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Present Day

Scarlett Vanderburg's POV

"You called." I waltzed straight into Meredith's office. She sat there at her large desk with her dark brown hair pulled into a bun and her blue eyes highlighted by subtle make-up.

"What are you still doing here?" I take a seat in front of her desk, and her hawk-like eyes watch my every move. "It is almost midnight, Scarlett Julianna."

I rolled my eyes at the government name, Meredith had picked it up from my mother, who used it every single time I did something she didn't like. Now between the two of them I heard it a lot more often than I would like.

"You're still here." I point out.

"But I haven't been here since six-thirty this morning. You need something called sleep, Lettie, ever heard of it." The sarcasm was dripping from her words. I was normally proud that I had taught her everything to know about slang and teenager communication, but not when she used it on me.

In the seven years I had known Mer she had become a third parental figure to me, so much more since I lived closer to her than my actual parents, I only saw them in person once a week for Wednesday night dinner and on a Sunday, but that didn't stop the constant phone calls between us. The relationships between my biological parents and Mer had also progressed and the three of them had become very close friends throughout the years, it was one of the reason they didn't mind me living and working by myself in the heart of New York City, being my boss Meredith had constant eyes on me for at least eight to twelve hours a day, and they all knew that after a long day I was most likely crashing in my flat. The three tag teams wanted to know my every move, but I didn't mind, I knew it was because they cared.

"I was trying to finish some last minute preparations for my closing trial tomorrow." I sighed, and I saw the disapproving look she gave me, since I had known Meredith that was all I seemed to do.


When I had made it to Atkins Prep Reformatory instead of being placed with the kids that had actually done something to get into there I was placed with the headmaster's son, even though a boy and girl rooming together wasn't allowed we weren't watched as close when they realised our relationship was completely platonic. I loved Quinn but like a brother and best friend and that hasn't changed.

When my teachers realised I was bored in my classes they talked to Meredith and after many, many tests I was given undergrad college classes to take which eventually turned into more and more work and at eighteen I was the youngest person to pass the bar exam. I had worked my but of for years, and it had paid off tremendously.

My parents and Meredith all seem to think I need to have a social life or something. I have Quinn and I also have Imogen, another younger lawyer a couple of years older than me.

"Okay, I'm going home now." She gives me an approving stare. I lean forward and press a kiss to her check. "Love you, Mama Mer."

I loved Meredith as much as my own parents, and they didn't mind that at all, they also didn't mind my choice to go by Meredith's surname when I was fifteen and in fact encouraged it. My parents were so supportive of everything I've done and pushed me to do more than I think I can, I couldn't have been blessed with a better support system.

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