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Seven Years Ago

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Seven Years Ago

Third Person's POV

"I don't think we should be doing this." Scarlett whispered to her older siblings, she might have been the youngest, but at this moment she felt like she was the most responsible one out of all of them. She didn't know why they thought it was a good idea to vandalise a building, she didn't even want to be here, but her parents were out of town, and they were watching her. The fourteen-year-old would have been fine to wait at home, but they hadn't let her, so now here she was doing things she didn't want to.

"Stop being such a scaredy-cat." Tristian rolls his eyes at her, all Scarlett did was shrug at the next youngest sibling, she wasn't scared, but she didn't want to do this. Tristan was four years older than her, having just turned eighteen. The next oldest was Kaitlyn, who was only eleven months older than Tristian at nineteen. Then there was Hadlee who was twenty-one and Elliot who was twenty-two.

It was clear Scarlett was unplanned since all her siblings were so close together but that never made a difference to her parents, she was just as loved as all the others, maybe a little more, but that was because she was often left out by her siblings leaving her to spend the most time with her parents. They were all really close, who never had any time for her until they were forced to. Scarlett never minded that though, while they were all extroverts who loved going out and partying, she preferred staying home to read or draw.

"We're going to be in trouble, if not with mom and dad, then the police." She stressed, but her concerns fell on deaf ears like they always did. Her siblings believed since she was younger, her words didn't hold as much weight as theirs did.

"Goody two shoes." Hadlee teases, looking back at her baby sister. All five of the Lawson siblings were almost identical with almost white platinum blonde hair and green eyes, with the exception of Scarlett who had inherited her paternal grandfather's striking gray eyes everyone was secretly jealous of.

Scarlett pursed her lips, not saying anything more. She followed them through the now silent dark alleyways when they found a spot that they liked the older Lawson siblings took off their backpacks taking out the spray cans they had brought along. Instead of participating, Scarlett takes a seat somewhere on the concrete floor where it doesn't look dirty choosing to read her book instead.

Leaning against the dodgy brick building, Scarlett got lost into a world much better than her own where dragons live, and the heroine saves the day. When she glances back up at her siblings who had got increasingly more rowdy the longer they had been there, they were now smoking cigarettes despite the fact that only Hadlee and Elliot were legally allowed to. She didn't get them, sure she got that some people needed the adrenaline rush but didn't it really have to involve painting vulgar images onto people's property, they would all throw a fit if anyone did that to them so why do it to other people.

"It isn't the best idea to smoke while there are still paint fumes." Scarlett tells them, but once again it just sounds like nagging to all of her siblings, they hated looking after her, but they didn't want to disappoint their parents again.

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