Dark hair a sexy, untamed mess and tanned legs on full display.

"Cap." Jason grinned, looking over his shoulder at me.

Bella's brows snapped together in confusion, then she shakes her head. "I have no energy to deal with you dumbasses this morning."

"Mads wear you out good and proper then, huh, Tee?" Miles quips.

I knew Bella wouldn't back down from Miles' teasing tone. 

Miles visibly gulps. His emerald eyes rounded and wide in surprise. 

I swear I spot a bead of sweat on his forehead.

The guys watching the show with dumbfounded expressions, Cammy sporting a knowing smirk.

"Miles?" Tori prompts, acting innocent.

"Hm?" he hums, legit speechless.

She can't hold it in anymore, she burst out into a loud, melody like laughter, shoving Miles' shoulder with hers.

"You're such a pussy, Carson. Don't talk shit next time." She teased through that pretty giggle of hers.

Miles narrows his eyes and furrows his brows. "Not fucking funny, Tee."

"Not everyone." Eli's voice peeped up from the kitchen entry way.

Tori walks to my side and I don't hesitate in wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her in front of me. Her back against me as I throw my arms over her shoulders and rest them on her chest, my chin on the top of her head, inhaling her fresh scented hair.

"Tee?" Eli says suspiciously. Eyeing his sisters barely dressed form, and no doubt our tangled bodies.

I can't see her face, but she nods her head against my chest. He shrugs and darts for the fridge, pulling out the orange juice and chugging it from the carton.

Tori scoffs. "Eli, use a damn glass you freaking animal."

"You should tell that to your boyfriend when he guzzles the milk like a pig every morning." he shoots back, glancing up at me and smirking.

I grab the kitchen towel and snap it at him, he dodges and chuckles. Shutting the fridge and parking his ass on the bar stool.

Bella looks up at me, craning her neck to the side. "You don't do you?" She asks, distain on her face.

I smirk as she grimaces.

I ain't gonna lie to her, where the fuck is that gonna get me? Another week of silent treatment.

Looking up to see all eyes on us and our interaction. 

I sneer. "Haven't you fuckers got shit to do?" 

As quickly as they chuckled, they scattered too - everyone except Cammy who's sitting back at the island tapping away on his phone.

"I'm gonna go get changed. I need to get back before the girls call campus security and MI5 to search for my dead body." My Bella says, she tip toes and places a kiss on my cheek. 

Smiling down at her, I hand her a bottle of water before she turns on her heel, gives Cammy a gentle pat on the back as she walks past, heading up the stairs and disappearing.

I sigh, pulling the stool out beside my best friend, his shoves his phone down and flips it upside down.

"Everything good, man?" I asked, eyeing him warily.

He nods. "Course. Everything good with you?"

"Mhm. Better than good if you can't tell." I responded, twisting the cap off the bottle of water and chugging.

Baller || ✓ [#2] FIUFAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now