Another Sleepless Night...

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Also they are all 14-16!!
Also this story is supposed to call you bitches out!!! Get your ass up! (I just released I'm cussing a lot-)

Chuuya pov:

I was just laying there... I wasn't doing nothing just laying there...

I reached my hand up, it felt like millions of waits was pulling it down but for some reason one was broken and pushed me up more... what the hell am I even doing at this point. I need sleep I have school in the morning..

I was on my bed starting off into space.

"Am I to fat???" I mumbled. Out of all of the things I could I have thought of that. I looked at my stomach. It was moving up and down, I never even released not even 10 seconds later. My eyes felt heavy. I closed them but nothing. Darkness. Darkness.. Darkness... EW!

'ew' ?? What dose that mean..

I'm now flipped over on my left side.
I grabbed my phone and decided to attempt and do something productive, I pressed on YouTube. I scrolled for a while but before I knew it was 6:30.

I sat up and decided it time to get ready, I set everything up last night. I grabbed the uniform and put it on. I kept the top button un buttoned due to the fact it felt like it was choking him.

Off to school

Was all I mumbled before I went to the bus stop. There was kids talking to other kids. I wanted to make some friends this year... they don't have to be real just a person that can be there.

The bus showed up and I went closer to the back. I found an empty seat and sat in it but soon enough someone came to the same seat, I moved my bag over for him.

He had black hair with white at the end he had a mad look on his face. "I'm Atugawa Ryunoske.." "Nakaha Chuuya" I said back. He was looking me up and down probably because he never seen me before. "I never seen you around.. are you new?" He asked I was going to answer but some other kid. Some tall kid...

"Hello!!! I'm Dazai Osamu~ and you areeee chibi!" I was so ready to punCh this guy in the face. But Atugawa ended up holding me back. "I'm not that fucking short!!" 5'4 is the average high for a 15 year old! I have no clue what this tall man wants!

I sat back down

Time skip by Chuuya wine collection!!!

I was waiting at the gate for some blond kid. Kunikida was his name he going to go get someone to show me around. I saw the blond boy in the distance. But I also saw that brunette from the bus! This is going to be 10 times worst!

"Dazai.." I mumbled just low enough where anyone could hear. Dazai gave me a wired smile.. and it didn't set right with me for some odd reason..

Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me... maybe I should have at least drank and energy drink...

Dazai said he would show me around after classes. We where now in second hour.

I wonder when the last time I slept.. maybe just a little... just close my eyes just for a little while...

"NAKHRARA! No sleeping in class!" The teacher yelled. Dazai who sat next to me looked at me. "You ok?" He whispered I just gave a thumbs up.

"Nakahara come answer this question." The teacher said.

(As a person with iron deficiency- I never seem to pass out- I just get really dizzy)

I sat up probably way to fast. I stood there deer in headlights mode. I could feel most of the students eyes on me even Dazai's.

No ones pov:


Chuuya fell to the ground. Dazai was the first to react.

By anyone else would notice a unconscious Chuuya, Dazai was already there by him. Checking his beating.

"Miss! I'll take him to the nurse!" Dazai said carrying Chuuya knocked out body in his arms.

Dazai walked into the nurses office.
Yosano looked over at us and her eyes widened. "CHUUYA!"

Dazai pov:

Dose Mrs.Yosano know Chibi?

She took him out my bandages arms, and sat him on the bed. "Dazai.." she said. "Yes ma'am?" I said back, "what happened? Did he just pass out or did something else happened?" Yosano said. Now I'm curious if she knows Chibi more than before she seams to know why this could happen but there is to many answers, and she can only get the right one to do the right thing... "Dazai?" She whispered. "Oh Yea! Looks to me he was trying to fall asleep but the teacher yelled at him than told him to answer a question. Than when he sat up not even couple seconds he passed out."

She created an 'O' shape.

"Ah- he probably just low on iron..." welp by the time he wakes up it will be lunch. I'll make him a drink with tons of iron in it I just need you to make sure he eats a good meal." I nodded. She left her desk to start making the drink.

Not even 3 minutes later Chuuya woke up.

"Chibi!" I said hugging him. "Mmm-" he growled.

"Chuuya." Chuuya looked over to see Yosano.  "Oh Dr.Yosano! Hello."

"Hi. How are you pulling up? You know after all of that." He just nodded in response. While Yosano just sighed. "Here take this and yes it the blue raspberry one." She laughed at the end. Chuuya thanks her and sat up.

"Chuuya I'm supposed to watch you for a little while~ aren't you excited!" I said hugging Chuuya once again.

He just scowled in response.

All I Hurd Chuuya mumble was "Just another sleepless night..."

Chapter 1 complete!

Word count:987

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