The Ministry of Magic

Start from the beginning


Harry approached the phone booth, which happened to also serve as a guest lift to the ministry of magic. Just as he placed his hand, which was shaking from his nerves, onto the handle, his phone began to ring.


"Love of my life, I wasn't giving you that pep talk this morning for you to ignore it all and have a near panic attack. I really mean it; you will do wonderful. Now calm down so I can measure my potion ingredients safely." A slight hint of annoyance came through Severus but seemed honestly out of love.

Harry took a deep breath, letting it out slowly to try and calm his mind. On the other end of the phone, Severus copied the action, both men feeling a deep calm. "Sorry. I don't know why I'm so nervous about this."

"You're fine, love. Go knock their shoes off." Severus quipped, poorly copying one of Harry's key lines.

"It's socks, babe, and you're right. I can do this. Love you and I'll call you as soon as I'm done." Harry hangs up his phone ad takes the lift down to the main lobby of the Ministry.

Harry walked up to the main desk behind another wizard animatedly speaking with the witch working reception. "...I just need to know why the appointment was canceled. I've been trying to speak with someone in the department for months now!"

The witch looked like she had no energy left to deal with the man. "Sir, I can't help you. I have no pull in whether or not they see you. Now, you either need to leave and give us a call later to make another appointment, or I will have to call someone to escort you out, and I can't promise you'll even get a phone call."

The wizard huffed at the receptionist, but turned on his heel, bumping into Harry roughly to get past him, ignoring Harry's protest. He turned back to the receptionist and stepped up to the desk, matching the warm smile the witch greeted him with. "I can't imagine dealing with such horrible people like that for a living. I'm sorry you do."

The receptionist chuckled, "You have no idea. I'm sorry you had to witness that. What can I do for you today?"

"I'm here for the 9:00 interview for the auror department."

"Well, if you're working on becoming an auror, I suggest you may want to start imagining dealing with people even worse than Lyle." The receptionist winked at Harry as she picks up the phone at the desk. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy? I have your 9:00 interview. I will, thank you."

"Mr. Malfoy? As in Lucious Malfoy?" Harry couldn't believe his ears.

"The one and the same!" The receptionist quipped. "He'll be out in a moment. You are welcome to take a seat at any of those benches while you wait! And good luck." She smiled at him before moving her attention to an elderly couple Harry hadn't notice arrive.

'Well,' though Harry, 'All those pep talks and confidence boosts make sense now. Harry smiled, finally feeling like he could relax, no longer worried about how to interview would turn out. Suddenly Harry heard his phone ding, signaling a text message.

Congratulations Harry. Regardless of the circumstances, you deserve this.

Harry was stupidly smiling at the words on the screen when a voice brought him back to his surroundings, "Harry, Harry, Harry. Long time no see, my boy." Harry started to extend his hand to greet him. "Oh Harry, we're practically family." Lucius avoided Harry's hand, pulling him into an embrace.

"What do you say we go back to my office and pretend to interview you, huh?" Lucius leads him to one of the far offices. "Please sit anywhere. Drink?" Lucius opens a cabinet, producing a decanter of whiskey and 2 crystal glasses.

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