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>< A Few Months Later ><
I sat at the café table, a cup of (f/d) in front of me and a book in my hand. Just like the first time I've visited here, quiet piano music filled the room while light illuminated the room. It wasn't super busy thankfully, a few people filled the tables while other people were in and out, grabbing whatever pastry and coffee they wanted.

It's been about six months since I have moved and each day seemed like it was busier than the previous day. Each day was filled with studying, schoolwork, and of course going to the Hextech lab and helping Jayce and Viktor. I rarely was able to get time for my self, but when I did I savored it.

I stared at the pages of the book my father gifted to me, the blue leather cover feeling cold in my hands. The sweet aroma of different coffees and pastries filled the area, people coming in once in awhile due to the sweet smell and grabbing something to eat or drink.

"Ah, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" I glanced up, the familiar voice catching my attention. The familiar dark haired and tanned boy was walking my direction, his smile not leaving his face.

"What's up, Jayce. You didn't blow anything up today, did you?" I asked, setting my book down with a smirk on my face.

Letting out a chuckle, Jayce shook his head, pulling out the free chair in front of me and sitting down. "Surprisingly not today! Viktor would flip if I blew something up again though so I'm trying to avoid doing that."

"I don't blame you, he's scary when he's mad at you."

"Woah, he gets mad at you too, not just me!" Jayce defended himself.

"When was the last time he was mad at me," I asked, raising my eyebrow. Silence. "Exactly~."

"Ok whatever, that's not what I'm here for though," Jayce said, pulling a small rectangular envelope out of his pocket of his vest. Sliding it across the table, he smiled at me, motioning me to open it.

Grabbing it, I looked closer at it. The Piltover crest was imprinted into the wax seal closing it. The envelope itself had nothing written on it other than some gold fancy looking swirls and lines bordering the paper. Gently ripping open the envelope and pulling out the contents, my eyes widened slightly as I skimmed the words on the paper inside. Just like the envelope, the letter inside had gold detailing on the edges.

"A gala?" I asked, looking up at Jayce. A cocky, proud look was painted on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm amazing for getting you an invite to a exclusive event. No need to thank me."

Rolling my eyes, I put the invite back into the envelope. Sliding it back to Jayce, I shook my head. "Yeah hard pass. I don't do parties," I said, drinking my (f/d).

Jayce, being the stubborn guy he is, slid it back to me. "Come on, (Y/N)! You're a part of Hextech, you should come to this! It's gonna be fun! I'm gonna say a few words, a lot of important people will be there, Viktor will be there too! He kinda has to be though, some people wanted to talk to us about the future of Hextech and boring stuff like that."

"Then why should I go? I don't see why I need to be there," I said, crossing my arms a crossed my chest.

"So Viktor can have a date! Knowing him, he's gonna be off to the side the whole time avoiding everyone unless I drag him with me to talk to someone. So he might be more comfortable knowing you'll be there."

"Date? Odd word to describe it," I said, receiving a shrug from him. "Does he knows you've invited me?" Jayce shook his head.

"I didn't want to tell him unless I had a solid answer. Which is going to be a... yes?"

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