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The sounds of chatter, the oceans waves hitting the docks, and seagulls filled my ears, the sunlight warming my skin. I was able to find the fisherman from before and ask him to take me home and back, and surprisingly he was very happy to. Plus, I need to tell Alaina that I am leaving.

I wonder why Viktor was so eager for me to stay in Piltover. We just met a couple days ago, but somehow there's this... urge to stay near him. I don't know why.

The same fisherman that took me to Piltover walked over to me. "The boat is ready to go, miss."

Nodding, I followed him to the dock, the same boat as last time floated on the water. We both hopped on the boat and quickly started our journey home.

I stood in the middle of my room, all past memories of growing up in the room flashing through in my head. A couple bags filled with clothes and other keepsakes laid on my bed.

"(N/N)! Where the hell are you?! I know you're here!" I heard the front door open, heavy footsteps echoing in my house.

"My room, Lain!" I called out. Alaina's figure appeared in the doorway within seconds.

"Hey, sexy. How was your tri- why are you packing?" Alaina moved next to me, her face turned towards the bed. "Don't tell me.. you're leaving?"

I sighed, looking at her. "I was able to get into the Academy. Compared to here I'm way more welcomed there."

"But you said you weren't going to move there?" Alaina grabbed my shoulders. "This is your home, (N/N). You can't just leave it."

"This isn't my home. This has never been my home since my parents died. You're the only person here that treats me like I'm normal. Piltover is a completely different story, I've met a lot of incredible people there," I frowned, refusing to make eye contact.

Alaina's arms dropped to her sides. "Let me go with you then." I looked up, a grin on her face. "If this place is really as great as you say, then I'll go with you."


"Hell yeah! You're my best friend, I'm not just gonna stay here while you live your best life. We stick together,"The grin on Alaina's face only grew.

Alaina's smile has always been contagious, even when we were kids. I found myself having the same smile on my face.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

"Land ho!" The fisherman said. The same gorgeous view of Piltover grew in front of us, this time the lights of each building was the only light. The soft clouds drifted above, the stars slowly starting to reveal themselves.

It was only evening, time flew by while me, Alaina and the fisherman sailed, all of us sharing different stories of our past.

The boat gently hit the dock, allowing all three of us to get off. Bags in hand, Alaina and I bid farewell to the fisherman, giving him some money as a thank you for helping us.

"Well, this place is definitely a lot more bigger. And intimidating," Alaina muttered, looking at all of the buildings.

I let out a laugh, swinging one of my bags over my shoulder. "Yeah. Let's head over to my hotel and then we can head over to the Academy. We can talk to Heimerdinger about you getting enrolled and there's a couple people I want you to meet."

"Ooo~, did you find yourself a boyfriend~?" Alaina teased, elbowing me a little. I rolled my eyes, shoving her elbow away.

"As if. I helped them out with the whole "creating magic" stuff. Both of them are really nice."

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