Chapter 2

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The eternal throne

Manus and Reave appeared beside the eternal throne and they looked down on Zakuul and its people.

They saw the peace and prosperity of the people and the training of troops across the planet.

Manus nearly wept at the sight. He had truly helped make a true utopia.

“It is a beautiful sight isn’t it?” He heard a lazy tone say from behind him.

He turned to see Coyote Starrk wearing his usual Espada attire materialize after flash-stepping.

“Hello, old friend.” Manus said giving Starrk a hug.

“I take it you two succeeded in your endeavors?” Starrk asked.

"Yes. Are we finally ready to take the Galaxy?" Reave asked.

Starrk smiled. "You bet we're ready. Just one of our men is worth three scores of theirs."

"Then it is time." Manus walked to the Eternal Throne and sat down connecting his consciousness to the network of the Eternal Empire.

And he projected himself throughout the unknown regions.

"Citizens of the Eternal Empire. I have returned from my travels throughout the multiverse and have acquired the wisdom and power we shall require for the storm beyond. The time has come for us to take this galaxy and bring down the corrupted systems in the main parts of the galaxy. For a century we have prepared. Now we shall stride across the cosmos and share with the galaxy enlightenment and peace. And those who would attempt to corrupt us or stop us shall be swept aside. We shall start with the Hutts and burn away their corruption and their practices of slavery."

Manus ended the transmission and opened his eyes with his consciousness returning to his body.

“Call a meeting. I wish to discuss tactics of the coming war.” Manus said leaning back on the Eternal throne assuming his complete stance as a ruler of an entire civilization.

The first to appear was Zeref who was nose deep in a book on magic that was crafted from Ainz’s memories and abilities. When Manus and Reave had first set foot in fairy tail the first thing they did was make a beeline to Alvarez and extract Ankhseram’s curse from Zeref. After which the two helped transform Alvarez into a lush Greenland before inviting Zeref and the spriggans to join them.

The next to join them was Roy Mustang. Despite his loyalty to Amestris, Manus had shown him that he was nothing but a fish in a pond compared to the true plots of Amestris. With his eyes opened and with Manus’s help they were able to stop Father’s plot to achieve god. On the condition that Amestris become a vassal for Manus’s new vision. With Mustang acting as an ambassador.

The next to enter was Sebas. After arriving at Nazarick, Manus and Reave stormed the great tomb bringing all of the evil alignment low and freeing those of good from the control placed upon them. Sebas was the first of the actual threats that faced Manus and Reave as they descended Nazarick. He was knocked out regardless but they made sure to minimize the damage to him. After they killed Ainz they made sure to negotiate peace with Nazarick. Sebas agreed to be the ambassador for the new vassal state.

The next was Sung-Jin-Woo. After dealing with Nazarick Reave had decided to pay a visit to the solo leveling universe as a version of a vacation. He came back with the architect’s head on a pike and Sung-Jin-Woo as an apprentice. Manus having dealt with four apprentices gave Reave his sympathies.

The next to get in line was Starrk. When Manus and Reave had first gone to the Bleach-verse Manus had sought out Starrk on purpose and the two trained for what felt like an eternity. When the two were approached by Aizen they were more powerful than him by a wide margin. When Aizen was dead the two of them took over Hueco Mundo with no effort and killed half of the Espada before converting the society into one of discipline and not instincts.

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