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In the eleventh hour of what was widely predicted to be the end of the world, it was said that the Earth fought back. A new generation of humans began to demonstrate abilities that were described as miracles. The doomsday clock was turned back, adding to the small cushion of time between humanity and the impending apocalypse.

Even as Earth's climate slowly began to stabilize, the number of those who became known as Talents only grew. Speculation about their existence quickly grew into debates about their intentions.

While some saw the Talents as the heroes who saved the world, others reasoned that humanity would never be ready for the responsibility of such powers.

At the height of the controversy, a hero rose from the shadows: Sarah Taylor. Her power over the elements was like nothing the world had ever seen. But just when she had won favor, tragedy struck.

Evidence and a witness pinned her to the murder of her best friend, Lynette Maxwell. Lynette's husband Jeff claimed to have watched Sarah kill his wife in cold blood and set fire to their home. Sarah herself perished in the flames. This senseless act of violence left the Maxwells' four year old daughter without a mother.

Faith in the Talents was shattered. After a long and grueling public debate, it was agreed that the use of special abilities was a danger to the population and should be outlawed. Talents were arrested in droves, but standard prisons could not hold them. There were many casualties on both sides and the rate of reported Talent crimes skyrocketed.

Jeff Maxwell, CEO and founder of the multinational conglomerate BesCorp, funded a specialized force in order to study and contain the Talents' powers: the Talent Knowledge & Relocation Service. Soon after finding ways to hold them in the well hidden prisons, the T.K.R.S. began searching for a way to reverse the Talents' abilities — often referred to as the Cure.

After thirteen years the fabled Cure had yet to be found, but the T.K.R.S. had been successful in the relocation of over a hundred thousand Talents worldwide. Incidents involving Talent abilities were few and far between, until the fateful day that one man escaped. 

Revolts began throughout the United States, echoing quickly to the rest of the world.

The Talents were fighting back, and their ultimate target was the Maxwell family.

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